XGboost python - classifier class weight option?
For sklearn version < 0.19
Just assign each entry of your train data its class weight. First get the class weights with class_weight.compute_class_weight
of sklearn then assign each row of the train data its appropriate weight.
I assume here that the train data has the column class
containing the class number. I assumed also that there are nb_classes
that are from 1 to nb_classes
from sklearn.utils import class_weight
classes_weights = list(class_weight.compute_class_weight('balanced',
weights = np.ones(y_train.shape[0], dtype = 'float')
for i, val in enumerate(y_train):
weights[i] = classes_weights[val-1]
xgb_classifier.fit(X, y, sample_weight=weights)
Update for sklearn version >= 0.19
There is simpler solution
from sklearn.utils import class_weight
classes_weights = class_weight.compute_sample_weight(
xgb_classifier.fit(X, y, sample_weight=classes_weights)
when using the sklearn wrapper, there is a parameter for weight.
import xgboost as xgb
exgb_classifier = xgboost.XGBClassifier()
exgb_classifier.fit(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weights_data)
where the parameter shld be array like, length N, equal to the target length
I recently ran into this problem, so thought will leave a solution I tried
from xgboost import XGBClassifier
# manually handling imbalance. Below is same as computing float(18501)/392318
on the trainig dataset.
# We are going to inversely assign the weights
weight_ratio = float(len(y_train[y_train == 0]))/float(len(y_train[y_train ==
w_array = np.array([1]*y_train.shape[0])
w_array[y_train==1] = weight_ratio
w_array[y_train==0] = 1- weight_ratio
xgc = XGBClassifier()
xgc.fit(x_df_i_p_filtered, y_train, sample_weight=w_array)
Not sure, why but the results were pretty disappointing. Hope this helps someone.
[Reference link] https://www.programcreek.com/python/example/99824/xgboost.XGBClassifier