XML columns in a Code-First application

I achieved what is needed with an attribute and I decorated my model class xml field with the attribute.

public string XmlString { get; set; }

public XElement Xml
    get { return !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(XmlString) ? XElement.Parse(XmlString) : null; }
    set {
        XmlString = value == null ? null : value.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting);

Got the help of these 2 articles:




Define Attribute

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class XmlType : Attribute

Register Attribute in Context

In the "OnModelCreating" of the context

modelBuilder.Conventions.Add(new AttributeToColumnAnnotationConvention<XmlType, string>("XmlType", (p, attributes) => "xml"));

Custom Sql Generator

public class CustomSqlGenerator : SqlServerMigrationSqlGenerator
    protected override void Generate(ColumnModel column, IndentedTextWriter writer)

        base.Generate(column, writer);

    private static void SetColumnDataType(ColumnModel column)
        // xml type
        if (column.Annotations.ContainsKey("XmlType"))
            column.StoreType = "xml";

Register Custom Sql Generator

In the Migration Configuration constructor, register the custom SQL generator.

 SetSqlGenerator("System.Data.SqlClient", new CustomSqlGenerator());

Have you tried:

public String XmlContent { get; set; }

public XElement XmlValueWrapper
    get { return XElement.Parse(XmlContent); }
    set { XmlContent = value.ToString(); }

public partial class XmlEntityMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<XmlEntity>
    public XmlEntityMap()
        // ...
        this.Property(c => c.XmlContent).HasColumnType("xml");

        this.Ignore(c => c.XmlValueWrapper);

This can now be achieved, without the need for an additional property, in Entity Framework Core 2.1+, using a SQL Server XML column type and value conversions.

public class Content
    public int ContentId { get; set; }

    public XElement Xml { get; set; }

internal class ContentEntityTypeConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<Content>
    public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Content> builder)
        builder.HasKey(e => e.ContentId);

        builder.Property(e => e.ContentId)

        builder.Property(e => e.Xml)
                xml => xml.ToString(),
                xml => xml != null ? XElement.Parse(xml) : null)

public class MyDbContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<Content> Contents { get; set; }

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration(new ContentEntityTypeConfiguration());