Xubuntu Libre Office Calc can not open network file

"I had a similar problem on Ubuntu. Make sure the Libreoffice Gnome integration package is installed. In my case the package was libreoffice-gnome"


This error remains when I use the file managers network browsing function to access an open office file on a share. I still have no idea why it works with gedit and not with open office.

General input/output error while accessing

Since the question should not remain open indefinitely, I would like to put down the workaround that I found. With that also open office works fine.

The problem goes away when a share is not linked via gvfs as the file manager does it, but with cifs in /etc/fstab. The new entry maps the share to the home folder and uses a credentials file in the home folder

Here is how to do it, detailed explanations are in [How to select a file from a network share with file manager file open dialog.

sudo apt install cifs-utils
nano ~/.smbcredentials
chmod 400 ~/.smbcredentials
mkdir ~./network
mkdir ~./network/myserver
mkdir ~./network/myserver/sharename
sudo edit nano /etc/fstab
  //myserver/sharename /home/joe/network/myserver/sharename cifs credentials=/home/joe/.smbcredentials,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm, 0 0
sudo mount -a