You've to find the maximum product quadruple in the array. i.e. the largest number that can be achieved by multiplying any four elements of the array code example
Example: Find maximum product of two integers in an array
def findMaximumProduct(A):
# to store the maximum and second maximum element in a list
max1 = A[0]
max2 = -sys.maxsize
# to store the minimum and second minimum element in a list
min1 = A[0]
min2 = sys.maxsize
for i in range(1, len(A)):
# if the current element is more than the maximum element,
# update the maximum and second maximum element
if A[i] > max1:
max2 = max1
max1 = A[i]
# if the current element is less than the maximum but greater than the
# second maximum element, update the second maximum element
elif A[i] > max2:
max2 = A[i]
# if the current element is more than the minimum element,
# update the minimum and the second minimum
if A[i] < min1:
min2 = min1
min1 = A[i]
# if the current element is less than the minimum but greater than the
# second minimum element, update the second minimum element
elif A[i] < min2:
min2 = A[i]
# otherwise, ignore the element
# choose the maximum of
# 1. Product of the maximum and second maximum element or
# 2. Product of the minimum and second minimum element
if max1 * max2 > min1 * min2:
print("Pair is", (max1, max2))
print("Pair is", (min1, min2))