Your best library for create GUI ( gtk, qt, win32 api, etc )?

Let's see.

  • Win32 is very low-level, C based, and awkward to use.
  • MFC is considered obsolete.
  • C# (or C++) with .NET is probably your primary choice for Windows-specific development.
    • There are even semi-limited ways to port that code to other platforms (Mono).
  • Java is great for very platform-independent code that "just runs". Sorry, you said C++.
  • QT is relatively platform-independent.
  • GTK+, of course, although I personally don't have much experience with it.

Personally, if I do something Windows-specific, I use .NET - the tools in Visual Studio are very powerful, and it's a great all-encompassing suite.

For platform-independent stuff, I use Java, but that may not be your tool of choice. I've seen QT used a lot for that purpose.

If you are making the gui only for windows, I would strongly recommend WIN 32 Api. I have Made many applications in GTK+ , pyGtk , FLTK and have learned Qt, MFC and SmartWin++. Believe me , But I like Win32 Api the best. It may have a steep learning curve, but for creating native windows applications , it is the fastest and the BEST. And the more complex youre program gets, the easier Win32 Api is compared to other toolkits. And there are things you can do in Win32 Api, which you can not do in any other toolkit.


starting time (simple gui with menu and buttons): GTK+ = 7 secs; Qt = 4 secs; WxWidgets = 3.32 seconds; FLTK = 1 second; Win32 Api = 0.34 seconds;

space taken: Gtk+ = 132 kb; Qt = 4.5 mb; WxWidgets = 4.5 mb; FLTK = 54 kb; Win32 Api = 6.5 kb;



