yourube code example

Example 1: youtube

think twice, You can be trapped for couple of hours instead of coding

Example 2: youtube

Procrastinating is like masterbaiting, in the end your only screwing yourself. get back to programming.

Example 3: youtube

the red pill or the blue pill

the red pill sends you to youtube for eternity, no escape
the blue pill the same as the red pill, but blue...

you already looked up youtube, it is to late, sorry.

                                 _____  _____
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                                |  | \ | |   |
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                 ______.______%_|            |__________  _____
               _/                                       \|     |
              |               you looking up youtube           <
              |_____.-._________              ____/|___________|
                                |            |
                                |            |
                                |            |
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                                |   _        <
                                |__/         |
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                               %|            |%
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                           `\%`@|     v      |@@%@%%    ascii credit to - mfj
                         .%%%@@@|%    |    % @@@%%@%%%%

Example 4: youtube

Just brackeys....

Example 5: youtube

down the rabbit hole you go

Example 6: youtube

Nikhil Don't waste your time


Misc Example