YuiCompressorTask: "Can't find bundle for base name org.mozilla.javascript.resources.Messages, locale en_US"

A bit old question, but I run in the same error today.

In my case the problem was a syntax error in my JavaScript, I forgot a } after a cut&paste operation.

I used this online tool (http://refresh-sf.com/) to compress the js file, and it returned some weird error, but more useful than the java exception stack...

Hope this help...

I decided to switch to the Google Closure Compiler, abandoning the last of the YUI components I've used over the years. I get tons of warnings in the build log, but it does work. sigh

Really old question, but if anyone is still using yui-compress I had the same error and it turned out yui-compress doesn't like trailing comma after arguments in function calls. For example:

foo(a, b, c);

is OK, but

foo(a, b, c,);

is not.



