yum on Centos stuck at "loaded plugins: fastestmirror"

For me what ended up fixing it was this:

rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__*
rpm --rebuilddb -v -v

Then rerunning yum command I was trying to run in the first place.

It got stuck for about a minute on:

Determining fastest mirrors

...but then it completed without errors

Suggested Here

Worked for me : (+)

Edit the following file.


Change enabled=1 to enabled=0 to disable the fastestmorror plugin.

That should fix it.

You don't need to restart anything for that change to take effect. Just run yum again.

If you use only ipv4 address but ipv6 address is active. Disable the ipv6 address and then try again.

#vi /etc/sysctl.conf 

net.ipv6.conf.eth0.disable_ipv6 = 1

#sysctl -p  


