Zero occurrences/frequency using value_counts() in PANDAS

You can reindex the result after value_counts and fill the missing values with 0.

df.loc[df.CAR == 'BMW', 'DATE'].value_counts().reindex(
    df.DATE.unique(), fill_value=0)


2012/01/01    2
2012/01/02    1
2012/01/03    0
2012/09/01    1
2012/09/02    0
Name: DATE, dtype: int64

Instead of value_counts you could also consider checking the equality and summing, grouped by the dates, which will include all of them.



2012/01/01    2
2012/01/02    1
2012/01/03    0
2012/09/01    1
2012/09/02    0
Name: CAR, dtype: int32

The default behavior of type category is exactly what you want. The non present categories will display with a value of zero. You just need to do:

df.astype({'CAR': 'category'})[df.CAR=='BMW']['DATE'].value_counts()

or better yet, make it definitively a category in your dataframe:

df.CAR = df.CAR.astype('category')

The category type is a better representation of your data and more space-efficient.