zip a file using special app in python code example
Example 1: looping over folder to extract zip winrar python
good = {"rar", "zip", "r00"}
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
if not any(f.endswith(".mkv") for f in files):
tmp = {"rar": [], "zip": []}
for file in files:
ext = file[-4:]
if ext == ".mkv":
elif ext in good:
tmp[ext].append(join(root, file))
for p in tmp.get(".zip", []):
print("Unzipping ", p, "...")
check_call(["unzip", p, "-d", root])
for p in tmp.get(".rar", []):
check_call(["unrar", "e", p, root])
Example 2: looping over folder to extract zip winrar python
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
if not any(f.endswith(".mkv") for f in files):
for file in files:
pth = join(root, file)
if file.endswith("zip"):
print("Unzipping ",file, "...")
check_call(["unzip" , pth, "-d", root])
elif file.endswith((".rar",".r00")):
check_call(["unrar","e", pth, root])