Zip files contain same files but have different hashes?

Zip is not deterministic. To solve this zip problem (it's really problem when you have CI and need to update AWS lambda, for example and don't want to update it each time, but only when something was really changed) I used this article:
Like this:

find . -exec touch -t "$(git ls-files -z . | \
  xargs -0 -n1 -I{} -- git log -1 --date=format:"%Y%m%d%H%M" --format="%ad" '{}' | \
  sort -r | head -n 1)" '{}' +
zip -rq -D -X -9 -A --compression-method deflate sources...

There is certainly some difference in the files. If the lengths are not exactly the same, the hash will be different. You can use a comparing hex editor, like Hex Workshop for example, to see what exactly the differences are.

Possibilities that come to my mind:

  1. As @orn mentioned, there may be a timestamp in the zip format you are using (not sure).
  2. The order that the files are added to the archive may be different (depending on how you're selecting them / building the source array).




Md5 File