Zip with default value instead of dropping values?

This can be expressed using These ("represents values with two non-exclusive possibilities") and Align ("functors supporting a zip operation that takes the union of non-uniform shapes") from the these library:

import Data.Align
import Data.These

zipWithDefault :: Align f => a -> b -> f a -> f b -> f (a, b)
zipWithDefault da db = alignWith (fromThese da db)

salign and the other specialised aligns in Data.Align are also worth having a look at.

Thanks to u/WarDaft, u/gallais and u/sjakobi over at r/haskell for pointing out this answer should exist here.

There is some structure to this problem, and here it comes. I'll be using this stuff:

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Traversable
import Data.List

First up, lists-with-padding are a useful concept, so let's have a type for them.

data Padme m = (:-) {padded :: [m], padder :: m} deriving (Show, Eq)

Next, I remember that the truncating-zip operation gives rise to an Applicative instance, in the library as newtype ZipList (a popular example of a non-Monad). The Applicative ZipList amounts to a decoration of the monoid given by infinity and minimum. Padme has a similar structure, except that its underlying monoid is positive numbers (with infinity), using one and maximum.

instance Applicative Padme where
  pure = ([] :-)
  (fs :- f) <*> (ss :- s) = zapp fs ss :- f s where
    zapp  []        ss        = map f ss
    zapp  fs        []        = map ($ s) fs
    zapp  (f : fs)  (s : ss)  = f s : zapp fs ss

I am obliged to utter the usual incantation to generate a default Functor instance.

instance Functor Padme where fmap = (<*>) . pure

Thus equipped, we can pad away! For example, the function which takes a ragged list of strings and pads them with spaces becomes a one liner.

deggar :: [String] -> [String]
deggar = transpose . padded . traverse (:- ' ')


*Padme> deggar ["om", "mane", "padme", "hum"]
["om   ","mane ","padme","hum  "]