zipalign verification failed resources.arsc BAD-1

I found an easier way - just align from commandline.. TWICE! After aligning two times I was able to upload my apk.

Delete the OLD file and Rename the Second One and Align it Again..

No need to manually, do this:

buildTypes {
            release {
                minifyEnabled true
                proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''
                zipAlignEnabled true 
               //uncomment for automatically zip aligned by studio


 set classpath ''


classpath ''

see my answer here

In case someone else has the same problem with gradle plugin '3.6.0' and later and because I spent several hours trying to track this down.

Gradle Plugin 3.6.0 is page aligning and packaging your native libraries uncompressed

The fix is to disable the uncompressed packaging of your native libraries by adding


to your AndroidManifest.xml as an attribute on the application tag.