Zoom in / Zoom out symbol

I use instead fontawesome5 package of Marcel Kruger of the June 7, 2019 (the lens grip should be different from fontawesome with the command \reflectbox to obtain the very similar image of the user @Sr. Schneider.

enter image description here

\faSearchPluss, \faSearchMinuss

Finally found it in the fontawesome package: \faSearchPlus and \faSearchMinus.

enter image description here

You can use the tikz machinery.

enter image description here



% \node[draw,line width=2pt,circle,inner sep=2pt] (A) at (0,0) {$-$};
\node[draw,line width=2pt,circle,inner sep=2pt] (A) at (0,0) {$+$};
\draw[line width=2pt] ($(A.225)+(.5\pgflinewidth,.5\pgflinewidth)$) -- ++(-1em,-1em);

