A fancy and beautiful type of enumerate

Here is a very naive and brute force proposal.

\node[fill=red!20,inner sep=4pt,font=\sffamily] (SebastianoItem){#1};}}
\newcommand{\SebastianoHighlight}{\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{%
\fill[red!20] ([yshift=4pt,xshift=-\pgflinewidth]SebastianoItem.east) -- ++(4pt,-4pt)
-- ++(-4pt,-4pt) -- cycle;
Some basic rules.
    \item Never put pineapple on a pizza!
    \item Never!!!! \SebastianoHighlight
    \item Trust me!

enter image description here

ADDENDUM: Brackets and colors. (Of course, if you have longer lists, you need to either extend the color list, or implement some mod condition.)

% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/167024/121799
\newcommand{\SebastianoItem}[1]{\foreach \X[count=\Y] in \ClaudioList
\node[fill=\SebastianoColor,inner sep=4pt,font=\sffamily,fill opacity=0.5] (SebastianoItem){#1)};}
\newcommand{\SebastianoHighlight}{\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{%
\fill[\SebastianoColor,fill opacity=0.5] ([yshift=4pt,xshift=-\pgflinewidth]SebastianoItem.east) -- ++(4pt,-4pt)
-- ++(-4pt,-4pt) -- cycle;
Some general advices.
    \item No fast food.
    \item Don't drink to much alcohol.
    \item No pineapple on pizza. \SebastianoHighlight
    \item Don't use onions in food.

enter image description here

Without tikz.

Here I introduce the bangenumerate environment, in which emphasized items are invoked with \item! instead of \item. The optional argument of \item is still supported.

(Note: the syntax \item[]! has no meaning, as the ! directive is overridden with the optional label. )

Color can be changed mid stream with an invocation of \colorlet{bangcolor}{...} between \items.

EDITED to \smash the label, so that larger values of \fboxsep can be employed without affecting line spacing.

\item My macro for personalized \textbf{enumerate}. 1) or 2) or 3) \ldots has been adding without 
\item automatic enumeration.
\item! This is that I have tried, quickly, only this morning. 
\item[OTHER] It is very nice but not as the figure with the little arrow (for important enumerate).
\item Should be normal without a bang
\item! Color change with bang

enter image description here