A fancy and beautiful type of enumerate
Here is a very naive and brute force proposal.
\node[fill=red!20,inner sep=4pt,font=\sffamily] (SebastianoItem){#1};}}
\newcommand{\SebastianoHighlight}{\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{%
\fill[red!20] ([yshift=4pt,xshift=-\pgflinewidth]SebastianoItem.east) -- ++(4pt,-4pt)
-- ++(-4pt,-4pt) -- cycle;
Some basic rules.
\item Never put pineapple on a pizza!
\item Never!!!! \SebastianoHighlight
\item Trust me!
ADDENDUM: Brackets and colors. (Of course, if you have longer lists, you need to either extend the color list, or implement some mod condition.)
% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/167024/121799
\newcommand{\SebastianoItem}[1]{\foreach \X[count=\Y] in \ClaudioList
\node[fill=\SebastianoColor,inner sep=4pt,font=\sffamily,fill opacity=0.5] (SebastianoItem){#1)};}
\newcommand{\SebastianoHighlight}{\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{%
\fill[\SebastianoColor,fill opacity=0.5] ([yshift=4pt,xshift=-\pgflinewidth]SebastianoItem.east) -- ++(4pt,-4pt)
-- ++(-4pt,-4pt) -- cycle;
Some general advices.
\item No fast food.
\item Don't drink to much alcohol.
\item No pineapple on pizza. \SebastianoHighlight
\item Don't use onions in food.
Without tikz
Here I introduce the bangenumerate
environment, in which emphasized items are invoked with \item!
instead of \item
. The optional argument of \item
is still supported.
(Note: the syntax \item[]!
has no meaning, as the !
directive is overridden with the optional label. )
Color can be changed mid stream with an invocation of \colorlet{bangcolor}{...}
between \item
EDITED to \smash
the label, so that larger values of \fboxsep
can be employed without affecting line spacing.
\item My macro for personalized \textbf{enumerate}. 1) or 2) or 3) \ldots has been adding without
\item automatic enumeration.
\item! This is that I have tried, quickly, only this morning.
\item[OTHER] It is very nice but not as the figure with the little arrow (for important enumerate).
\item Should be normal without a bang
\item! Color change with bang