A good way to make classes for more complex playing card types than those found in a standard deck?

These are what we call "design decisions". Often the "correct" way is a matter of opinion. As a beginner, I think it would be instructive to try both implementations to see how they work. There will be trade offs no matter which one you pick. You have to decide which of those trade offs are most important. Making these kinds of decisions will be informed as you gain more experience.

When you are approaching a problem with OOP, you usually want to model behavior and properties in a reusable way, i.e., you should think of abstractions and organize your class hierarchy based on that.

I would write something like the following:

class Card:
    def __init__(self, money_value=0):
        self.money_value = money_value

class ActionCard(Card):
    def __init__(self, action, money_value=0):

        self.action = action

class RentActionCard(ActionCard):
    def __init__(self, action, color, money_value=0):
        super().__init__(action, money_value=money_value)

        self.color = color

    def apply(self, property_card):
        if property_card.color != self.color:
            # Don't apply
        # Apply

class PropertyCard(Card):
    def __init__(self, color, money_value=0):

        self.color = color

class WildcardPropertyCard(PropertyCard):
    def __init__(self, color, money_value=0):
        super().__init__(color, money_value=money_value)

class MoneyCard(Card):
    def __init__(self, money_value=0):

Due to Python being a dynamically typed language, OOP is a little harder to justify in my opinion, since we can just rely on duck typing and dynamic binding, the way you organize your hierarchy is less important.

If I were to model this problem in C# for example, I would without a doubt use the hierarchy showed above, because I could rely on polymorphism to represent different types and guide the flow of my logic based on what type of card is being analyzed.

A couple of final remarks:

  1. Python has very powerful builtin types, but most of the time using new custom types that build on them makes your life easier.
  2. You don't have to inherit from object since types in Python 3 (which is the only one maintained as of today) inherit from object by default.

But, at the end of the day, there isn't a perfect answer, the best way would be to try both of the approaches and see what you're more comfortable with.

You could use inheritance. This is where you create a main class then have sub-classes which still contain functions and values from the mother class however can also have extra values and functions for that specific class.

class Apple:
    def __init__(self, yearMade):

    def ring(self):
        print('ring ring')

class iPhone(Apple):
    def __init__(self, number)
        number = number

    def func():

Now the iPhone class has the same functions as the Apple class and its own function. If you wish to learn more about inheritance I recommend doing some research.