a working non-recursive floodfill algorithm written in C?

A quick googling brings up the Wikipedia article on Flood Fill which includes pseudocode implementations which are not recursive. Below is some code that could help get you started, a basic queue implementation in C:

typedef struct queue_ { struct queue_ *next; } queue_t;
typedef struct ffnode_ { queue_t node; int x, y; } ffnode_t;

/* returns the new head of the queue after adding node to the queue */
queue_t* enqueue(queue_t *queue, queue_t *node) {
    if (node) {
        node->next = queue;
        return node;
    return NULL;

/* returns the head of the queue and modifies queue to be the new head */
queue_t* dequeue(queue_t **queue) {
    if (queue) {
        queue_t *node = (*queue);
        (*queue) = node->next;
        node->next = NULL;
        return node;
    return NULL;

ffnode_t* new_ffnode(int x, int y) {
    ffnode_t *node = (ffnode_t*)malloc(sizeof(ffnode_t));
    node->x = x; node->y = y;
    node->node.next = NULL;
    return node;

void flood_fill(image_t *image, int startx, int starty, 
                color_t target, color_t replacement) {
    queue_t *head = NULL;
    ffnode_t *node = NULL;

    if (!is_color(image, startx, starty, target)) return;

    node = new_ffnode(startx, starty);
    for ( ; node != NULL; node = (ffnode_t*)dequeue(&head)) {
        if (is_color(image, node->x, node->y, target)) {
            ffnode_t *west = node, *east = node;

            recolor(image, node->x, node->y, replacement);
            /* 1. move w to the west until the color of the node to the west
               no longer matches target */

Just implement a stack of int pairs with an array of some fixed size (maybe the size of the image in pixels or the square root of that, for example) for the stack and track the top with an int.

Here is some C# code that implements floodfill non-recursively:

private static void Floodfill(byte[,] vals, Point q, byte SEED_COLOR, byte COLOR)
    int h = vals.GetLength(0);
    int w = vals.GetLength(1);

    if (q.Y < 0 || q.Y > h - 1 || q.X < 0 || q.X > w - 1)

    Stack<Point> stack = new Stack<Point>();
    while (stack.Count > 0)
        Point p = stack.Pop();
        int x = p.X;
        int y = p.Y;
        if (y < 0 || y > h - 1 || x < 0 || x > w - 1)
        byte val = vals[y, x];
        if (val == SEED_COLOR)
            vals[y, x] = COLOR;
            stack.Push(new Point(x + 1, y));
            stack.Push(new Point(x - 1, y));
            stack.Push(new Point(x, y + 1));
            stack.Push(new Point(x, y - 1));

Here's some C++ code that does what you want. It uses a queue, and is more efficient about insertions into the queue.

connectedRegion(const Point& source, RegionType& region, const Color target)
    Color src_color = color_of(source, region);
    if (region.count(source) == 0 || src_color == target)
    std::queue<Point> analyze_queue;

    while (!analyze_queue.empty())
        if (color_of(analyze_queue.front()) != src_color)
        Point leftmost_pt = analyze_queue.front();
            leftmost_pt.col -= 1;
        Point rightmost_pt = leftmost_pt;
            rightmost_pt.col += 2;
        while (color_of(leftmost_pt, region) == src_color)

        while (color_of(rightmost_pt, region) == src_color)

        bool check_above = true;
        bool check_below = true;
            Point pt = leftmost_pt;
        for (; pt.col < rightmost_pt.col; ++pt.col)
            set_color(pt, region, target);

            Point pt_above = pt;
            if (check_above)
                if (color_of(pt_above, region) == src_color)
                    check_above = false;
            else // !check_above
                check_above = (color_of(pt_above, region) != src_color);

            Point pt_below = pt;
            if (check_below)
                if (color_of(pt_below, region) == src_color)
                    check_below = false;
            else // !check_below
                check_below = (color_of(pt_below, region) != src_color);
        } // for 
    } // while queue not empty
    return connected;