Accolade to take objects together in TikZ

A solution more simple ( for me ) and with the possibility of scaling. I add the solution with Andrew's idea The code is very clear but we can not make a scale and perhaps there is a better solution to create more space vertically. The brace is more pretty with the matrix's delimiter.

   \node [draw] (A) {A}; 
   \node [draw,yshift=1cm] (B) at (A) {B};
   \node [draw,yshift=1cm] (C) at (B) {C};
   \node [fit=(A) (B) (C)] (fit) {};              
  \draw [decorate,line width=1pt] (fit.south west) -- (fit.north west);
\matrix [matrix of nodes,left delimiter=\{,nodes={draw}] {
A  \\[12pt] B \\[12pt] C \\


enter image description here

You can use the fit TikZ library to create a rectangular node which encompasses the nodes, e.g. your three rectangles. Then you can use the node anchors to draw your { either using a scaled { character (\resizebox{!}{<height of fit>}{\{}) or using drawing commands. Two bezier curves should do it.



   \node [draw] (A) {A};
   \node [draw,below of=A] (B) {B};
   \node [draw,below of=B] (C) {C};
   \node [fit=(A) (B) (C)] (fit) {};
   \path let \p1=(fit.north west), \p2 = (fit.south east) in
       node [left of=fit] {%
       \resizebox{!}{\heightoffit pt}{\{}%

