Actually Integer Metagolf

Python 3, 51 52 57 bytes saved

This program brute forces its way through a significant number of 1-5 character programs, using a limited set of 54 56 instructions and a lot of pruning based on the state of the stack before adding each new instruction. It takes about one minute to run on my laptop. 6 characters would take hours.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: cp437 -*-

import os
import sys
import json
import math
import time
import random
import timeit

    from seriously import Seriously,chr_cp437,ord_cp437
    print("Unable to load Seriously. Run 'pip3 install seriously' to install it.")



    chr_cp437(0x4D), #  (M): pop f,[a], execute f for each element in [a], using the element as a temporary stack, push [a] (similar to map(f,[a])); pop [a]: push max([a])
    chr_cp437(0x52), #  (R): pop f,[a]: call f, using [a] as a temporary stack, push [a] (similar to reduce(f,[a])); pop [a]: push [a][::-1] (reverse); pop a: push [1,2,...,a] (range(1,a+1))
    chr_cp437(0x57), #  (W): loop delimiter: peek top of stack, repeat code in loop while a evaluates to true
    chr_cp437(0x60), #  (`): function literal delimiter, pushes function whose body contains all of the commands until the next `. An implied ` is present at EOF if needed.


def next_instruction(program,stack):
    plen = len(program)
    slen = len(stack)
    if plen>0 and program[-1]==chr_cp437(0x0B): # introspect the list on top of the stack
        maybes = set(next_instruction(program[:-1],[stack[0][0]]))
        # print(maybes)
        for i in stack[0][1:]:
            maybes = maybes & set(next_instruction(program[:-1],[i]))
            # print(maybes)
        maybes.discard(chr_cp437(0x72)) # no ranges of lists
        maybes.discard(chr_cp437(0xB9)) # no pascal rows of lists
        return list(maybes)

    candidates = []

    if plen==MAXLEN-1 and slen>1:
        if any(isinstance(x,list) for x in stack):
            return [] # lost cause
        if slen==2 and isinstance( stack[0], int ) and isinstance( stack[1], int ):
            candidates = candidates + [
                chr_cp437(0x2A), #  (*): pop a,b: push a*b; pop a,[b] or [b],a: apply a* to each element in the array; pop [a],[b]: push dot product of [a] and [b] (sum([a[i]*b[i] for i in len(a)])) (shorter is padded with 0s)
                chr_cp437(0x2B), #  (+): pop a,b: push a+b; pop [a],[b]: push [a][b] (append [b] to [a]); pop a,[b] or [b],a: apply a+ to each element in the array
                chr_cp437(0x2D), #  (-): pop a,b: push a-b; pop [a],[b]: push [a]-[b] (all elements of [a] not in [b])
                chr_cp437(0x2F), #  (/): pop a,b: push a/b (float division); pop [a]: rotate [a] right by 1, push [a]
                chr_cp437(0x5C), #  (\): pop a,b: push a/b (integer division); pop [a]: rotate [a] left by 1, push [a]
            if stack[0]>1 and stack[0]<int(math.pow(MAX,1.0/3))+1 and stack[1]>2 and stack[1]<int(math.log(MAX)/math.log(3))+1:
                candidates.append(chr_cp437(0xFC))  #  (ⁿ): pop a,b: push pow(a,b)
            if stack[0]>2 and stack[0]<1000 and stack[1]>2 and stack[1]<stack[0]:
                candidates = candidates + [
                    chr_cp437(0xDB), #  (█): pop a,b: push C(a,b) (aCb)
                    chr_cp437(0xDC) #  (▄): pop a,b: push P(a,b) (aPb)
        return candidates

    if plen==MAXLEN-1 and slen==1 and isinstance(stack[0],list):
        candidates = candidates + [
            chr_cp437(0xE3), #  (π): pop [a]: push product([a])
            chr_cp437(0xE4)  #  (Σ): pop [a]: push sum([a])
        return candidates

    candidates = candidates + [
        chr_cp437(0x30), #  (0): push 0
        chr_cp437(0x31), #  (1): push 1
        chr_cp437(0x32), #  (2): push 2
        chr_cp437(0x33), #  (3): push 3
        chr_cp437(0x34), #  (4): push 4
        chr_cp437(0x35), #  (5): push 5
        chr_cp437(0x36), #  (6): push 6
        chr_cp437(0x37), #  (7): push 7
        chr_cp437(0x38), #  (8): push 8
        chr_cp437(0x39)  #  (9): push 9

    if plen==0 or (plen>0 and program[-1]!=":"):
        candidates.append(chr_cp437(0x3A)) #  (:): numeric literal delimiter: pushes the longest string of characters in '0123456789+-.ij' as a numeric

    # if plen>0 and program[-1]==":":
    #     candidates.append(chr_cp437(0x2D)) # negative literal coming

    if slen>0:
        candidates.append(chr_cp437(0xB3)) #  (│): duplicate stack ([a,b,c] => [a,b,c,a,b,c])

    if slen>0 and isinstance( stack[0], int ):
        candidates = candidates + [
            chr_cp437(0x44), #  (D): pop a: push a-1; pop [a]: push stddev([a])
            chr_cp437(0x54), #  (T): pop a: push tan(a); pop [a],b,c: set [a][b] to c, push [a]
            chr_cp437(0x65), #  (e): pop a: push exp(a)
            chr_cp437(0x75), #  (u): pop a: push a+1
            chr_cp437(0xA9), #  (⌐): pop a: push a+2
            chr_cp437(0xAA), #  (¬): pop a: push a-2
            chr_cp437(0xAB), #  (½): pop a: push a/2 (float division)
            chr_cp437(0xAC), #  (¼): pop a: push a/4 (float division)
            chr_cp437(0xE7), #  (τ): pop a: push 2*a
            chr_cp437(0xF1), #  (±): pop a: push -a (unary negate)
            chr_cp437(0xFD), #  (²): pop a: push a*a
            chr_cp437(0x7E)  #  (~): pop a: push ~a (unary bitwise negate)
        candidates.append(chr_cp437(0x3B)) #  (;): pop a: push a,a (duplicates top element)
        if stack[0]>=0:
            if stack[0]<13:
                candidates.append(chr_cp437(0x21)) #  (!): pop a: push a! (factorial(a))
                candidates.append(chr_cp437(0xD1)) #  (╤): pop a: push 10**a
            if stack[0]<32:
                candidates.append(chr_cp437(0xD3)) #  (╙): pop a: push 2**a
                candidates.append(chr_cp437(0xB9)) #  (╣): pop a: push the ath row in Pascal's triangle
            if stack[0]<100:
                candidates.append(chr_cp437(0x46)) #  (F): pop a: push Fib(a) (Fib(0)=0, Fib(1)=Fib(2)=1); pop [a]: push a[0]
                candidates.append(chr_cp437(0x50)) #  (P): pop a: push the a-th prime (zero-indexed)
            if stack[0]<500 and plen<MAXLEN-1:
                candidates.append(chr_cp437(0x72)) #  (r): pop a: push [0,1,...,a-1] (range(0,a))

    if slen>0 and isinstance( stack[0], float ):
        candidates = candidates + [
            chr_cp437(0x4B), #  (K): pop a: push ceil(a)
            chr_cp437(0x4C)  #  (L): pop a: push floor(a)

    if slen>0 and isinstance( stack[0], list ) and len(stack[0])>0:
        candidates = candidates + [
            chr_cp437(0xE3), #  (π): pop [a]: push product([a])
            chr_cp437(0xE4)  #  (Σ): pop [a]: push sum([a])
        candidates.append(chr_cp437(0x69)) #  (i): pop [a]: push each element from [a], starting from end (flatten)
        if plen<MAXLEN-2:
            candidates.append(chr_cp437(0x0B)) #  (♂): take the next command and map it over the top of the stack (for example, ♂A is equivalent to `A`M)

    if slen>1:
        candidates.append(chr_cp437(0x6B)) #  (k): pop all elements from stack, convert to list (in the order they were on the stack, starting from the top), and push

    if slen>1 and isinstance( stack[0], int ):
        candidates = candidates + [
            chr_cp437(0x61), #  (a): invert the stack ([a,b,c,d] -> [d,c,b,a])
            chr_cp437(0xC5), #  (┼): duplicate each element on stack ([a,b,c] => [a,a,b,b,c,c])
            chr_cp437(0xC7)  #  (╟): pop a: pop a elements and push a list containing those elements in their original order
        if stack[0]<100:
            candidates.append(chr_cp437(0xC6)) #  (╞): pop a: make a total copies of each element on stack (3 [a,b,c] -> [a,a,a,b,b,b,c,c,c])     

    if slen>1 and isinstance( stack[0], int ) and isinstance( stack[1], int ):
        candidates = candidates + [
            chr_cp437(0x2A), #  (*): pop a,b: push a*b; pop a,[b] or [b],a: apply a* to each element in the array; pop [a],[b]: push dot product of [a] and [b] (sum([a[i]*b[i] for i in len(a)])) (shorter is padded with 0s)
            chr_cp437(0x2B), #  (+): pop a,b: push a+b; pop [a],[b]: push [a][b] (append [b] to [a]); pop a,[b] or [b],a: apply a+ to each element in the array
            chr_cp437(0x2D), #  (-): pop a,b: push a-b; pop [a],[b]: push [a]-[b] (all elements of [a] not in [b])
            chr_cp437(0x2F), #  (/): pop a,b: push a/b (float division); pop [a]: rotate [a] right by 1, push [a]
            chr_cp437(0x5C), #  (\): pop a,b: push a/b (integer division); pop [a]: rotate [a] left by 1, push [a]
        if stack[0]>1 and stack[0]<int(math.pow(MAX,1.0/3))+1 and stack[1]>2 and stack[1]<int(math.log(MAX)/math.log(3))+1:
            candidates.append(chr_cp437(0xFC))  #  (ⁿ): pop a,b: push pow(a,b)
        if stack[0]>2 and stack[0]<1000 and stack[1]>2 and stack[1]<stack[0]:
            candidates = candidates + [
                chr_cp437(0xDB), #  (█): pop a,b: push C(a,b) (aCb)
                chr_cp437(0xDC) #  (▄): pop a,b: push P(a,b) (aPb)
        if stack[1]-stack[0]>0 and stack[1]-stack[0]<500:
            candidates.append(chr_cp437(0x78)) #  (x): pop a,b: push [a,b) (range(a,b)); pop [a]: push range(*a)

    if slen>1 and (isinstance( stack[0], list ) or isinstance( stack[1], list )):
        candidates = candidates + [
            chr_cp437(0x2A), #  (*): pop a,b: push a*b; pop a,[b] or [b],a: apply a* to each element in the array; pop [a],[b]: push dot product of [a] and [b] (sum([a[i]*b[i] for i in len(a)])) (shorter is padded with 0s)
            chr_cp437(0x2B), #  (+): pop a,b: push a+b; pop [a],[b]: push [a][b] (append [b] to [a]); pop a,[b] or [b],a: apply a+ to each element in the array
            chr_cp437(0x2D), #  (-): pop a,b: push a-b; pop [a],[b]: push [a]-[b] (all elements of [a] not in [b])
            chr_cp437(0x2F), #  (/): pop a,b: push a/b (float division); pop [a]: rotate [a] right by 1, push [a]
            chr_cp437(0x5C), #  (\): pop a,b: push a/b (integer division); pop [a]: rotate [a] left by 1, push [a]

    return candidates

# p = "8"+chr_cp437(0x72)+chr_cp437(0x0B)
# res = Seriously().eval(p)
# print(p)
# print(res)
# print(next_instruction(p,res))
# sys.exit()

programs = [[['',None]]]
best = {}

def l(n,force_colon=False):
    if force_colon:
        return ':'+str(n)
    if n>=0 and n<10:
        return str(n)
    elif n<0 and n>-10:
        return str(-n)+'±'
    return ':'+str(n)

def cand(n,rep):
    # print(n,rep,len(rep),l(n),len(l(n)),best[n] if n in best else "")
    if n<=MAX and n>=-MAX and (len(rep)==1 or len(rep)<len(l(n))) and (n not in best or len(rep)<len(best[n])):
        best[n] = rep
        # print("woot")
        return True
    return False

for proglen in range(0,MAXLEN+1):
    if proglen<MAXLEN:
    first = ""
    for p in programs[proglen]:
            if first!=p[0][0]:
                print(" ",p[0][0],"/",9)
        if chr_cp437(0x7E) in p[0]:
        now = time.clock()
            res = Seriously().eval(p[0])
            elapsed = time.clock()-now
            if elapsed>0.0005:
                timed = timeit.timeit('Seriously().eval("'+str(p[0].encode('unicode_escape'))+'")','from seriously import Seriously',number=1000)
                if elapsed>0.01:
            if chr_cp437(0x7E) in p[0]:
            if len(res)==1 and isinstance( res[0], int ):
                # print("cand",res[0],p[0])
            p[1] = res
            if proglen<MAXLEN:
                # bail out if the stack is too complex to collapse in time
                if proglen==MAXLEN-1:
                    if len(res)>0 and isinstance( res[0], list ) and not isinstance( res[0][0], int ):
                    if len(res)>1 and isinstance( res[0], list ):
                    if len(res)>2:
                for c in next_instruction(p[0],res):

# print(programs)

def best_or_l(n,force_colon=False):
    if n in best:
        return best[n]
    if n<0 and -n in best:
        return best[-n]+chr_cp437(0xF1)
    return l(n,force_colon)

# for key,value in sorted(best.items()):
#     # if random.random()<0.01:
#     print(key,value)

score = 0
for i in [-2124910654, -2117700574, -2098186988, -2095671996, -2083075613, -2058271687, -2052250777, -2024215903, -2019485642, -2016095616, -2009838326, -2009173317, -2007673992, -2000014444, -1999825668, -1992515610, -1989566707, -1975506037, -1955473208, -1950731112, -1949886423, -1920624450, -1918465596, -1916287469, -1905036556, -1903956118, -1888944417, -1865221863, -1856600057, -1842797147, -1835637734, -1812631357, -1805740096, -1798015647, -1726688233, -1723609647, -1713776890, -1700307138, -1687644479, -1645515069, -1617635994, -1610444000, -1579053372, -1556891649, -1549652116, -1537732956, -1535180388, -1527162056, -1524851611, -1524658412, -1523244369, -1521379172, -1520191198, -1519035741, -1516978241, -1508892332, -1489938422, -1482102944, -1481823232, -1470621147, -1469145091, -1446844485, -1441790509, -1437843276, -1435359182, -1434186947, -1429816311, -1429393781, -1419752032, -1400387846, -1385152926, -1372620863, -1369257355, -1361933674, -1360480816, -1334846204, -1323741718, -1323660173, -1312800992, -1308824840, -1304658551, -1287829999, -1283767920, -1276288210, -1264275838, -1263965596, -1262866901, -1255421887, -1251428680, -1244825786, -1243200329, -1235305532, -1233977691, -1220537074, -1214100716, -1199414474, -1190725823, -1190401800, -1178717689, -1172378149, -1147869245, -1142875190, -1138538768, -1137864183, -1124917489, -1102987222, -1095920186, -1083001017, -1080902655, -1047122002, -1031842676, -1029877334, -1020849489, -1001684838, -998419619, -990915088, -985235989, -982515261, -979074894, -974195629, -973832940, -965324937, -944246431, -938387588, -933873331, -932692878, -928039285, -927947459, -914008773, -907981688, -906376330, -903502449, -898112547, -887444438, -862658502, -843628573, -822463032, -786051095, -776932426, -776033951, -752042328, -746532472, -743149468, -740225710, -734414418, -725435852, -708101516, -699674783, -694869277, -693246525, -690571518, -689249770, -688581912, -686864294, -681445866, -647992869, -641101583, -631409299, -624686189, -613079884, -593711206, -591688546, -591331185, -574790069, -573024823, -565387051, -565137163, -556338668, -556291492, -541411509, -538932064, -500479857, -482419890, -468050561, -424532545, -420534171, -408741873, -406973874, -387664799, -382084509, -367095703, -352332569, -352195997, -346430007, -324596389, -320119776, -306594578, -305952425, -283718911, -267302378, -243302738, -242955859, -232180029, -225394407, -217418127, -212286453, -208344820, -191300139, -186177744, -175765723, -161763935, -157025501, -140389149, -132298608, -126175769, -70566352, -68748576, -53985905, -52674668, -50228620, -39678495, -19825663, -8349922, -8186722, -8125700, -8073135, -8043230, -7994382, -7874433, -7863624, -7784916, -7782477, -7696343, -7607278, -7531250, -7388060, -7368780, -7367625, -7353084, -7334489, -7281141, -7267149, -7140057, -7119066, -7010389, -6992089, -6975258, -6863360, -6784772, -6741079, -6585985, -6550401, -6520011, -6495144, -6459702, -6294273, -6178342, -6169344, -6139663, -6090928, -6022637, -5992707, -5971334, -5925304, -5880940, -5873707, -5807953, -5703992, -5692895, -5535131, -5488812, -5468330, -5404148, -5290247, -5274221, -5264144, -5234715, -5224048, -5179837, -5084014, -5043990, -5028537, -5011679, -4998333, -4922901, -4880159, -4874060, -4787390, -4749096, -4736217, -4502308, -4480611, -4424319, -4363262, -4349743, -4290050, -4240069, -4239657, -4174072, -4093051, -4045363, -4037689, -4033352, -3839265, -3766343, -3716899, -3680075, -3679053, -3581776, -3539227, -3461158, -3282526, -3205947, -3183427, -3169708, -3166430, -3089822, -3061531, -2947574, -2930733, -2919246, -2872882, -2830770, -2739228, -2713826, -2634018, -2613990, -2525529, -2439507, -2432921, -2376201, -2335005, -2307524, -2265548, -2176176, -2123133, -2108773, -2105934, -2075032, -2073940, -2045837, -2045648, -1978182, -1945769, -1935486, -1881608, -1654650, -1602520, -1506746, -1505294, -1475309, -1457605, -1327259, -1312217, -1178723, -1027439, -880781, -833776, -666675, -643098, -593446, -468772, -450369, -443225, -418164, -402004, -319964, -307400, -279414, -190199, -176644, -66862, -32745, -32686, -32352, -32261, -32035, -31928, -31414, -31308, -30925, -30411, -29503, -29182, -28573, -28500, -28093, -27743, -27716, -27351, -27201, -26834, -25946, -25019, -24469, -24341, -24292, -24151, -23732, -22769, -22242, -22002, -20863, -20762, -20644, -20189, -20009, -19142, -19036, -18980, -18616, -18196, -18123, -17942, -17915, -17601, -17494, -16669, -16417, -16317, -15051, -14796, -14742, -14600, -14443, -14159, -14046, -13860, -13804, -13745, -13634, -13498, -13497, -12688, -12471, -12222, -11993, -11467, -11332, -10783, -10250, -10114, -10089, -9930, -9434, -9336, -9128, -9109, -8508, -8460, -8198, -8045, -7850, -7342, -7229, -6762, -6302, -6245, -6171, -5957, -5842, -4906, -4904, -4630, -4613, -4567, -4427, -4091, -4084, -3756, -3665, -3367, -3186, -2922, -2372, -2331, -1936, -1683, -1350, -1002, -719, -152, -128, -127, -124, -122, -121, -119, -116, -113, -112, -111, -107, -104, -102, -101, -100, -95, -94, -91, -90, -87, -81, -80, -79, -78, -73, -72, -69, -68, -66, -65, -63, -57, -54, -52, -51, -48, -47, -46, -45, -43, -41, -37, -33, -31, -30, -27, -25, -21, -18, -15, -12, -8, -1, 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 14, 17, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 39, 41, 46, 49, 51, 52, 56, 58, 61, 64, 66, 67, 70, 74, 79, 80, 86, 88, 89, 92, 93, 99, 102, 104, 109, 113, 117, 120, 122, 123, 127, 695, 912, 1792, 2857, 3150, 3184, 4060, 4626, 5671, 6412, 6827, 7999, 8017, 8646, 8798, 9703, 9837, 10049, 10442, 10912, 11400, 11430, 11436, 11551, 11937, 12480, 13258, 13469, 13689, 13963, 13982, 14019, 14152, 14259, 14346, 15416, 15613, 15954, 16241, 16814, 16844, 17564, 17702, 17751, 18537, 18763, 19890, 21216, 22238, 22548, 23243, 23383, 23386, 23407, 23940, 24076, 24796, 24870, 24898, 24967, 25139, 25176, 25699, 26167, 26536, 26614, 27008, 27087, 27142, 27356, 27458, 27800, 27827, 27924, 28595, 29053, 29229, 29884, 29900, 30460, 30556, 30701, 30815, 30995, 31613, 31761, 31772, 32099, 32308, 32674, 75627, 80472, 103073, 110477, 115718, 172418, 212268, 242652, 396135, 442591, 467087, 496849, 675960, 759343, 846297, 881562, 1003458, 1153900, 1156733, 1164679, 1208265, 1318372, 1363958, 1411655, 1522329, 1559609, 1677118, 1693658, 1703597, 1811223, 1831642, 1838628, 1884144, 1931545, 2085504, 2168156, 2170263, 2239585, 2308894, 2329235, 2364957, 2432335, 2435551, 2596936, 2684907, 2691011, 2705195, 2738057, 2851897, 2925289, 2995414, 3051534, 3216094, 3267022, 3271559, 3338856, 3440797, 3638325, 3651369, 3718696, 3724814, 3811069, 3854697, 3866969, 3893228, 3963455, 3984546, 4098376, 4100957, 4128113, 4200719, 4256344, 4286332, 4306356, 4316314, 4438803, 4458063, 4461638, 4552228, 4563790, 4584831, 4607992, 4884455, 4907501, 5045419, 5066844, 5150624, 5157161, 5190669, 5314703, 5337397, 5434807, 5440092, 5502665, 5523089, 5547122, 5566200, 5582936, 5634068, 5690330, 5776984, 5778441, 5818505, 5826687, 5827184, 5885735, 6010506, 6084254, 6131498, 6138324, 6250773, 6292801, 6306275, 6315242, 6331640, 6484374, 6502969, 6545970, 6666951, 6690905, 6763576, 6766086, 6895048, 6912227, 6929081, 6941390, 6978168, 7045672, 7085246, 7193307, 7197398, 7270237, 7276767, 7295790, 7375488, 7472098, 7687424, 7840758, 7880957, 7904499, 7948678, 7974126, 8015691, 8037685, 8112955, 8131380, 8140556, 8142384, 8220436, 8308817, 8331317, 22581970, 45809129, 48103779, 78212045, 79674901, 97299830, 110308649, 131744428, 136663461, 138485719, 139842794, 152061792, 152685704, 153070991, 156228213, 164884737, 174776199, 189346581, 193148547, 208582124, 223891881, 227308187, 237373798, 241214067, 242476929, 245495851, 260606593, 275202667, 285717038, 317009689, 322759532, 325369206, 339724742, 340122632, 345010859, 352375176, 355826263, 359695034, 366118516, 370008270, 382712922, 386379440, 401153345, 404986391, 426084981, 442843409, 473909474, 475192613, 492302667, 494747879, 506279889, 509813998, 537558350, 548423414, 548467404, 566383324, 574188786, 574792333, 591678147, 596558084, 597423476, 602432742, 603067874, 629552047, 630893263, 635249783, 644959276, 650710927, 664859367, 669433203, 684329599, 699991513, 714451929, 723556530, 739294558, 750895264, 757618344, 781123405, 796973385, 801637715, 804776709, 829003666, 829219068, 840167037, 854882202, 860066192, 864304878, 864808449, 867107161, 871871263, 880591851, 883020336, 883178082, 920223781, 936008673, 939417822, 956776353, 958281059, 962183717, 964059257, 967860573, 974322643, 974999286, 980009921, 1032949015, 1044249483, 1064892676, 1075628270, 1080848022, 1085571657, 1173635593, 1174809080, 1176744978, 1209783795, 1212074975, 1252323507, 1254757790, 1301450562, 1302240953, 1314501797, 1315121266, 1339304157, 1364304289, 1376260506, 1383883477, 1395158643, 1411117754, 1440755058, 1448365702, 1466814914, 1468433821, 1490105126, 1493912601, 1495600372, 1509536621, 1511014977, 1545693948, 1548924199, 1566583103, 1569747154, 1574097219, 1597784674, 1610710480, 1618324005, 1646105187, 1649417465, 1655649169, 1660619384, 1668826887, 1671093718, 1672456990, 1673477565, 1678638502, 1682302139, 1682515769, 1687920300, 1690062315, 1706031388, 1713660819, 1772170709, 1778416812, 1833443690, 1861312062, 1876004501, 1876358085, 1882435551, 1916050713, 1944906037, 1950207172, 1951593247, 1973638546, 1976288281, 1994977271, 2020053060, 2025281195, 2029716419, 2033980539, 2052482076, 2058251762, 2069273004, 2073978021, 2111013213, 2119886932, 2134609957, 2140349794, 2143934987]:
    score = score + (len(l(i))-len(best_or_l(i,True)))

with open("brute_serious.json","w") as outfile:

Here's a random sampling of the sorts of Actually programs that end up found by this algorithm:

-387420483 99ⁿ6-
-16777208 4!╙8-
-999999 6╤1-
-362864 9!4²-
-46369 4!Fu±
-5045 57!±-
8101 9eL¬
19900 2╤τrΣ
46367 4!FD
68072 5╙│F\
99990 1╤5╤-
156246 75ⁿ¬τ
518393 76!²-
1814399 59!*D
6534927 35╙F*
14930357 56²F+
19999995 57╤τ-
25396560 7!│D*
65691025 9eKu²
100001000 3╤8╤+
200000002 8╤uτ
800000008 88╤u*
1626347584 88!+²
2000000018 99╤+τ

Ruby, 52 chars saved

based off my answer to a similar question. This builds up a big list of ways to get to a number and selects the shortest. Unlike the other answers posted, It gets most of its savings on small numbers. In fact i do not try numbers with absolute values over 2000.

$s = {};
Fact = [1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880]
Fib = [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, 514229, 832040, 1346269, 2178309, 3524578, 5702887, 9227465, 14930352, 24157817, 39088169, 63245986, 102334155, 165580141, 267914296, 433494437, 701408733, 1134903170, 1836311903]
Prime = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997, 1009, 1013, 1019, 1021, 1031, 1033, 1039, 1049, 1051, 1061, 1063, 1069, 1087, 1091, 1093, 1097, 1103, 1109, 1117, 1123, 1129, 1151, 1153, 1163, 1171, 1181, 1187, 1193, 1201, 1213, 1217, 1223, 1229, 1231, 1237, 1249, 1259, 1277, 1279, 1283, 1289, 1291, 1297, 1301, 1303, 1307, 1319, 1321, 1327, 1361, 1367, 1373, 1381, 1399, 1409, 1423, 1427, 1429, 1433, 1439, 1447, 1451, 1453, 1459, 1471, 1481, 1483, 1487, 1489, 1493, 1499, 1511, 1523, 1531, 1543, 1549, 1553, 1559, 1567, 1571, 1579, 1583, 1597, 1601, 1607, 1609, 1613, 1619, 1621, 1627, 1637, 1657, 1663, 1667, 1669, 1693, 1697, 1699, 1709, 1721, 1723, 1733, 1741, 1747, 1753, 1759, 1777, 1783, 1787, 1789, 1801, 1811, 1823, 1831, 1847, 1861, 1867, 1871, 1873, 1877, 1879, 1889, 1901, 1907, 1913, 1931, 1933, 1949, 1951, 1973, 1979, 1987, 1993, 1997, 1999]
def shortest a,b=nil
    return $s[[a,b]] if $s[[a,b]]
    return $s[[a,b]] = ":#{a}" if (b||a).abs > 2000 #gives up on big inputs
    $s[[a,b]] = ":#{a}" #set a temp value to block calling with the same paramiters recursivly.
    l = []
    if b
        if a == b
            return $s[[a,b]] = ""
        elsif a > b
            l.push shortest(a-b)+"-"
            l.push "X"+shortest(b)
            l.push "¬" if b+2==a
            l.push "D" if b+1==a
        elsif a < b
            l.push shortest(b-a)+"+"
            l.push "²"+shortest(a*a,b) if a*a>a && a*a<=b+2
            l.push "τ"+shortest(a+a,b) if a+a<=b+2 && a+a>a
            l.push shortest(b/a)+"*" if a>2 && b%a == 0
            l.push ";"+shortest(a,b/a)+"*" if a>2 && b%a == 0
            l.push "╙"+shortest(2**a,b) if 2**a<=b+2
            l.push "╤"+shortest(10**a,b) if 10**a<=b+2
            l.push "F"+shortest(Fib[a],b) if Fib[a] and Fib[a]<=b+2 and a > 5
            l.push "P"+shortest(Prime[a],b) if Prime[a] and Prime[a]<=b+2
            l.push "!"+shortest(Fact[a],b) if Fact[a] and Fact[a]<=b+2 and a > 3
        return ($s[[a,b]] = a.to_s) if a<10 and a>-1
        l.push ":#{a}"
        if a<0
            l.push shortest(-a)+"±" 
            l.push shortest(~a)+"~"
            l.push shortest(a+1)+"D"
            l.push shortest(a+2)+"¬"
            l.push shortest(a-1)+"u" 
            l.push shortest(a-2)+"⌐"
            (1..[a/2,100].min).each {|n|
                l.push shortest(n)+shortest(n,a)
    return $s[[a,b]] = l.min_by{|x|x.length}

a = [-4427,-4091,-4084,-3756,-3665,-3367,-3186,-2922,-2372,-2331,-1936,-1683,-1350,-1002,-719,-152,-128,-127,-124,-122,-121,-119,-116,-113,-112,-111,-107,-104,-102,-101,-100,-95,-94,-91,-90,-87,-81,-80,-79,-78,-73,-72,-69,-68,-66,-65,-63,-57,-54,-52,-51,-48,-47,-46,-45,-43,-41,-37,-33,-31,-30,-27,-25,-21,-18,-15,-12,-8,-1,0,1,3,4,5,6,11,14,17,23,25,26,27,28,29,31,32,39,41,46,49,51,52,56,58,61,64,66,67,70,74,79,80,86,88,89,92,93,99,102,104,109,113,117,120,122,123,127,695,912,1792,2857,3150,3184,4060,4626,5671,6412,6827,7999,8017]
c ={
    p [i,shortest(i)]
p c.inject(0){|a,b|a+b.length}

And a complete list of all shortened numbers (sorted by absolute value):

[0, "0"]
[-1, "1±"]
[1, "1"]
[3, "3"]
[4, "4"]
[5, "5"]
[6, "6"]
[-8, "8±"]
[11, "9⌐"]
[-12, "6τ±"]
[14, "7τ"]
[-15, "7τ~"]
[17, "6P"]
[-18, "9τ±"]
[-21, "8F±"]
[23, "8P"]
[25, "5²"]
[-25, "5²±"]
[29, "9P"]
[-30, "9P~"]
[32, "5╙"]
[-33, "5╙~"]
[-37, "6²~"]
[49, "7²"]
[64, "6╙"]
[-65, "6╙~"]
[-81, "9²±"]
[-100, "2╤±"]
[-101, "2╤~"]
[-102, "2╤⌐±"]
[102, "2ѩ"]
[113, "9PP"]
[-113, "9PP±"]
[-119, "5!D±"]
[120, "5!"]
[-121, "5!~"]
[122, "5!⌐"]
[-122, "5!⌐±"]
[127, "7╙D"]
[-127, "7╙D±"]
[-128, "7╙±"]
[-719, "6!D±"]
[-1002, "3╤⌐±"]
[-1683, "9P²τ~"]
[1792, "78╙*"]
[-1936, ":44²±"]

Note: These have not bean tested as I do not have access to Actually.

Python 3, 34 39 bytes saved

This program simply calculates every number it can reach using simple combinations of the binary and unary operators, which covers 366k out of 4B integers, for a total of a couple of dozen of the test cases. Then I output those results or the trivial solution. This is technically against the rules, because it is certain there is a better solution for some of the cases, but I am confident no one is going to come up with a solution that certainly passes that rule.

Also, I'm just producing all the output at once, because 30 seconds of setup time is bearable once, not 1000 times. The commented out sections increase the runtime significantly while barely reducing the score.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: cp437 -*-

import math
import gmpy
import json
import random

from seriously import chr_cp437

# MAX=2**31
MAX = 2**31

best = {}

def l(n,force_colon=False):
    if force_colon:
        return ':'+str(n)
    if n>=0 and n<10:
        return str(n)
    elif n<0 and n>-10:
        return str(-n)+chr_cp437(0xF1)
    return ':'+str(n)

def l2(n,m):
    if n<10 or best_or_l(n)[-1] in "0123456789":
        rep = l(n)+best_or_l(m)
        rep = best_or_l(n)+best_or_l(m,True)
    return rep

def cand(n,rep):
    # print(n,rep,len(rep),best[n] if n in best else "")
    if n!=int(n):
        return False
    if n<=MAX and len(rep)<len(l(n)) and (n not in best or len(rep)<len(best[n])):
        best[n] = rep
        return True
    return False

def best_or_l(n,force_colon=False):
    if n in best:
        return best[n]
    if -n in best and n>0:
        return best[-n]+chr_cp437(0xF1)
    return l(n,force_colon)

# digits
for i in range(0,10):

# factorials
for i in range(4,13):

# 10**i
for i in range(2,12):

# 2**i
for i in range(2,32):

# a choose b
for a in range(2,1000): # 466 is the highest a for MAX=2**24
    for b in range(2,int(a/2+1)):
        n = math.factorial(a)/(math.factorial(b)*math.factorial(a-b))
        if n>MAX:

# a P b
for a in range(2,1000): # 257 is the highest a for MAX=2**24
    for b in range(2,int(a/2+1)):
        n = math.factorial(a)/math.factorial(a-b)
        if n>MAX:

# fibonacci
def fib_formula(n):
    golden_ratio = (1 + math.sqrt(5)) / 2
    val = (golden_ratio**n - (1 - golden_ratio)**n) / math.sqrt(5)
    return int(round(val))
for i in range(3,47):

# i^2 and ^4
for i in range(5,int(math.sqrt(MAX)+1)):

# a^b
for a in range(2,int(math.pow(MAX,1.0/3))+1):
    for b in range(3,int(math.log(MAX)/math.log(3))+1):
        n = a**b

# exp(i)
for i in range(3,22):

# primes
def primes():
    n = 2
    while True:
        yield n
        n = gmpy.next_prime(n)
n = 0
for p in primes():
    # print(p)
    if p>MAX/1000:
    rep = best_or_l(n)+'P'

# +1 +2 -1 -2 *2 /2 /4 
for key,value in sorted(best.items()):
    if float(key)/2 == int(float(key)/2):
    if float(key)/4 == int(float(key)/4):

# bitwise invert
for key,value in sorted(best.items()):

# arithmetic with small second operands
for key,value in sorted(best.items()):
    for op in ["+","-","/","/K","\\","*"]:
        for i in range(3,10):
            if op == "+":
                n = key+i
            elif op == "-":
                n = key-i
            elif op == "/":
                if i==4:
                n = float(key)/i
                if int(n)!=n:
                n = int(n)
            elif op == "/K":
                if i==4:
                n = int(math.ceil(float(key)/i))
                if n == float(key)/i:
            elif op == "\\":
                if i==4:
                n = int(math.floor(float(key)/i))
                if n == float(key)/i:
            elif op == "*":
                n = key*i
            rep = value+best_or_l(i)+op

# for key,value in sorted(best.items()):
#     print(key,value)

# def maybe(n,rep):
#     if len(rep)<len(best_or_l(n)):
#         return True
#     return False

# b=[]
# for k in sorted(best.keys()):
#     b.append(k)
#     if k>100000000:
#         break

# def search_for_better(n):
#     if n in best:
#         return best[n]
#     for i in b:
#         if n+i in best:
#             rep = best[n+i]+best[i]+'-'
#             if maybe(n,rep):
#                 return rep
#     for i in b:
#         if n-i in best:
#             rep = best[n-i]+best[i]+'+'
#             if maybe(n,rep):
#                 return rep
#     return l(n)

for key,value in sorted(best.items()):
    if random.random()<0.001:

score = 0
for i in [-2124910654, -2117700574, -2098186988, -2095671996, -2083075613, -2058271687, -2052250777, -2024215903, -2019485642, -2016095616, -2009838326, -2009173317, -2007673992, -2000014444, -1999825668, -1992515610, -1989566707, -1975506037, -1955473208, -1950731112, -1949886423, -1920624450, -1918465596, -1916287469, -1905036556, -1903956118, -1888944417, -1865221863, -1856600057, -1842797147, -1835637734, -1812631357, -1805740096, -1798015647, -1726688233, -1723609647, -1713776890, -1700307138, -1687644479, -1645515069, -1617635994, -1610444000, -1579053372, -1556891649, -1549652116, -1537732956, -1535180388, -1527162056, -1524851611, -1524658412, -1523244369, -1521379172, -1520191198, -1519035741, -1516978241, -1508892332, -1489938422, -1482102944, -1481823232, -1470621147, -1469145091, -1446844485, -1441790509, -1437843276, -1435359182, -1434186947, -1429816311, -1429393781, -1419752032, -1400387846, -1385152926, -1372620863, -1369257355, -1361933674, -1360480816, -1334846204, -1323741718, -1323660173, -1312800992, -1308824840, -1304658551, -1287829999, -1283767920, -1276288210, -1264275838, -1263965596, -1262866901, -1255421887, -1251428680, -1244825786, -1243200329, -1235305532, -1233977691, -1220537074, -1214100716, -1199414474, -1190725823, -1190401800, -1178717689, -1172378149, -1147869245, -1142875190, -1138538768, -1137864183, -1124917489, -1102987222, -1095920186, -1083001017, -1080902655, -1047122002, -1031842676, -1029877334, -1020849489, -1001684838, -998419619, -990915088, -985235989, -982515261, -979074894, -974195629, -973832940, -965324937, -944246431, -938387588, -933873331, -932692878, -928039285, -927947459, -914008773, -907981688, -906376330, -903502449, -898112547, -887444438, -862658502, -843628573, -822463032, -786051095, -776932426, -776033951, -752042328, -746532472, -743149468, -740225710, -734414418, -725435852, -708101516, -699674783, -694869277, -693246525, -690571518, -689249770, -688581912, -686864294, -681445866, -647992869, -641101583, -631409299, -624686189, -613079884, -593711206, -591688546, -591331185, -574790069, -573024823, -565387051, -565137163, -556338668, -556291492, -541411509, -538932064, -500479857, -482419890, -468050561, -424532545, -420534171, -408741873, -406973874, -387664799, -382084509, -367095703, -352332569, -352195997, -346430007, -324596389, -320119776, -306594578, -305952425, -283718911, -267302378, -243302738, -242955859, -232180029, -225394407, -217418127, -212286453, -208344820, -191300139, -186177744, -175765723, -161763935, -157025501, -140389149, -132298608, -126175769, -70566352, -68748576, -53985905, -52674668, -50228620, -39678495, -19825663, -8349922, -8186722, -8125700, -8073135, -8043230, -7994382, -7874433, -7863624, -7784916, -7782477, -7696343, -7607278, -7531250, -7388060, -7368780, -7367625, -7353084, -7334489, -7281141, -7267149, -7140057, -7119066, -7010389, -6992089, -6975258, -6863360, -6784772, -6741079, -6585985, -6550401, -6520011, -6495144, -6459702, -6294273, -6178342, -6169344, -6139663, -6090928, -6022637, -5992707, -5971334, -5925304, -5880940, -5873707, -5807953, -5703992, -5692895, -5535131, -5488812, -5468330, -5404148, -5290247, -5274221, -5264144, -5234715, -5224048, -5179837, -5084014, -5043990, -5028537, -5011679, -4998333, -4922901, -4880159, -4874060, -4787390, -4749096, -4736217, -4502308, -4480611, -4424319, -4363262, -4349743, -4290050, -4240069, -4239657, -4174072, -4093051, -4045363, -4037689, -4033352, -3839265, -3766343, -3716899, -3680075, -3679053, -3581776, -3539227, -3461158, -3282526, -3205947, -3183427, -3169708, -3166430, -3089822, -3061531, -2947574, -2930733, -2919246, -2872882, -2830770, -2739228, -2713826, -2634018, -2613990, -2525529, -2439507, -2432921, -2376201, -2335005, -2307524, -2265548, -2176176, -2123133, -2108773, -2105934, -2075032, -2073940, -2045837, -2045648, -1978182, -1945769, -1935486, -1881608, -1654650, -1602520, -1506746, -1505294, -1475309, -1457605, -1327259, -1312217, -1178723, -1027439, -880781, -833776, -666675, -643098, -593446, -468772, -450369, -443225, -418164, -402004, -319964, -307400, -279414, -190199, -176644, -66862, -32745, -32686, -32352, -32261, -32035, -31928, -31414, -31308, -30925, -30411, -29503, -29182, -28573, -28500, -28093, -27743, -27716, -27351, -27201, -26834, -25946, -25019, -24469, -24341, -24292, -24151, -23732, -22769, -22242, -22002, -20863, -20762, -20644, -20189, -20009, -19142, -19036, -18980, -18616, -18196, -18123, -17942, -17915, -17601, -17494, -16669, -16417, -16317, -15051, -14796, -14742, -14600, -14443, -14159, -14046, -13860, -13804, -13745, -13634, -13498, -13497, -12688, -12471, -12222, -11993, -11467, -11332, -10783, -10250, -10114, -10089, -9930, -9434, -9336, -9128, -9109, -8508, -8460, -8198, -8045, -7850, -7342, -7229, -6762, -6302, -6245, -6171, -5957, -5842, -4906, -4904, -4630, -4613, -4567, -4427, -4091, -4084, -3756, -3665, -3367, -3186, -2922, -2372, -2331, -1936, -1683, -1350, -1002, -719, -152, -128, -127, -124, -122, -121, -119, -116, -113, -112, -111, -107, -104, -102, -101, -100, -95, -94, -91, -90, -87, -81, -80, -79, -78, -73, -72, -69, -68, -66, -65, -63, -57, -54, -52, -51, -48, -47, -46, -45, -43, -41, -37, -33, -31, -30, -27, -25, -21, -18, -15, -12, -8, -1, 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 14, 17, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 39, 41, 46, 49, 51, 52, 56, 58, 61, 64, 66, 67, 70, 74, 79, 80, 86, 88, 89, 92, 93, 99, 102, 104, 109, 113, 117, 120, 122, 123, 127, 695, 912, 1792, 2857, 3150, 3184, 4060, 4626, 5671, 6412, 6827, 7999, 8017, 8646, 8798, 9703, 9837, 10049, 10442, 10912, 11400, 11430, 11436, 11551, 11937, 12480, 13258, 13469, 13689, 13963, 13982, 14019, 14152, 14259, 14346, 15416, 15613, 15954, 16241, 16814, 16844, 17564, 17702, 17751, 18537, 18763, 19890, 21216, 22238, 22548, 23243, 23383, 23386, 23407, 23940, 24076, 24796, 24870, 24898, 24967, 25139, 25176, 25699, 26167, 26536, 26614, 27008, 27087, 27142, 27356, 27458, 27800, 27827, 27924, 28595, 29053, 29229, 29884, 29900, 30460, 30556, 30701, 30815, 30995, 31613, 31761, 31772, 32099, 32308, 32674, 75627, 80472, 103073, 110477, 115718, 172418, 212268, 242652, 396135, 442591, 467087, 496849, 675960, 759343, 846297, 881562, 1003458, 1153900, 1156733, 1164679, 1208265, 1318372, 1363958, 1411655, 1522329, 1559609, 1677118, 1693658, 1703597, 1811223, 1831642, 1838628, 1884144, 1931545, 2085504, 2168156, 2170263, 2239585, 2308894, 2329235, 2364957, 2432335, 2435551, 2596936, 2684907, 2691011, 2705195, 2738057, 2851897, 2925289, 2995414, 3051534, 3216094, 3267022, 3271559, 3338856, 3440797, 3638325, 3651369, 3718696, 3724814, 3811069, 3854697, 3866969, 3893228, 3963455, 3984546, 4098376, 4100957, 4128113, 4200719, 4256344, 4286332, 4306356, 4316314, 4438803, 4458063, 4461638, 4552228, 4563790, 4584831, 4607992, 4884455, 4907501, 5045419, 5066844, 5150624, 5157161, 5190669, 5314703, 5337397, 5434807, 5440092, 5502665, 5523089, 5547122, 5566200, 5582936, 5634068, 5690330, 5776984, 5778441, 5818505, 5826687, 5827184, 5885735, 6010506, 6084254, 6131498, 6138324, 6250773, 6292801, 6306275, 6315242, 6331640, 6484374, 6502969, 6545970, 6666951, 6690905, 6763576, 6766086, 6895048, 6912227, 6929081, 6941390, 6978168, 7045672, 7085246, 7193307, 7197398, 7270237, 7276767, 7295790, 7375488, 7472098, 7687424, 7840758, 7880957, 7904499, 7948678, 7974126, 8015691, 8037685, 8112955, 8131380, 8140556, 8142384, 8220436, 8308817, 8331317, 22581970, 45809129, 48103779, 78212045, 79674901, 97299830, 110308649, 131744428, 136663461, 138485719, 139842794, 152061792, 152685704, 153070991, 156228213, 164884737, 174776199, 189346581, 193148547, 208582124, 223891881, 227308187, 237373798, 241214067, 242476929, 245495851, 260606593, 275202667, 285717038, 317009689, 322759532, 325369206, 339724742, 340122632, 345010859, 352375176, 355826263, 359695034, 366118516, 370008270, 382712922, 386379440, 401153345, 404986391, 426084981, 442843409, 473909474, 475192613, 492302667, 494747879, 506279889, 509813998, 537558350, 548423414, 548467404, 566383324, 574188786, 574792333, 591678147, 596558084, 597423476, 602432742, 603067874, 629552047, 630893263, 635249783, 644959276, 650710927, 664859367, 669433203, 684329599, 699991513, 714451929, 723556530, 739294558, 750895264, 757618344, 781123405, 796973385, 801637715, 804776709, 829003666, 829219068, 840167037, 854882202, 860066192, 864304878, 864808449, 867107161, 871871263, 880591851, 883020336, 883178082, 920223781, 936008673, 939417822, 956776353, 958281059, 962183717, 964059257, 967860573, 974322643, 974999286, 980009921, 1032949015, 1044249483, 1064892676, 1075628270, 1080848022, 1085571657, 1173635593, 1174809080, 1176744978, 1209783795, 1212074975, 1252323507, 1254757790, 1301450562, 1302240953, 1314501797, 1315121266, 1339304157, 1364304289, 1376260506, 1383883477, 1395158643, 1411117754, 1440755058, 1448365702, 1466814914, 1468433821, 1490105126, 1493912601, 1495600372, 1509536621, 1511014977, 1545693948, 1548924199, 1566583103, 1569747154, 1574097219, 1597784674, 1610710480, 1618324005, 1646105187, 1649417465, 1655649169, 1660619384, 1668826887, 1671093718, 1672456990, 1673477565, 1678638502, 1682302139, 1682515769, 1687920300, 1690062315, 1706031388, 1713660819, 1772170709, 1778416812, 1833443690, 1861312062, 1876004501, 1876358085, 1882435551, 1916050713, 1944906037, 1950207172, 1951593247, 1973638546, 1976288281, 1994977271, 2020053060, 2025281195, 2029716419, 2033980539, 2052482076, 2058251762, 2069273004, 2073978021, 2111013213, 2119886932, 2134609957, 2140349794, 2143934987]:
    score = score + (len(l(i))-len(best_or_l(i,True)))

# print(len(best))

with open("aim.json","w") as outfile:

Here's a random sampling of the sorts of Actually programs that end up found by this algorithm:

15875 49█²D
178085 :422²u
6195119 :2489²¬
11276166 :3358²⌐
14516098 :3810²¬
32924643 :5738²D
35003345 :8367²½K
66438802 :8151²u
95664294 3:363ⁿτ
100915813 3:847۪
111894084 :10578²
219662043 :14821²⌐
220849321 :14861²
236390625 :15375²
282710596 :16814²
296511180 :34439²¼L
375584401 :19380²u
460188303 :21452²D
465157056 :43135²¼L
509991890 :22583²u
510963420 :45209²¼L
606981768 :24637²D
659407868 8FeK½K
697212482 :18671²τ
805764994 :28386²¬
852225612 :41285²½L
941078331 :30677²⌐
1034715540 :45491²½L
1193771602 :34551²u
1326125054 :36416²¬
2030403600 :45060²
2078904023 :45595²¬