Add a sequence number to each element in a group using python

I stumbled upon the answer which was embarrassingly simple. The groupby statement has a 'cumcount()' option which will enumerate group items.


The caveat is that the records have to be in the order you want them enumerated.

Firstly you want to convert the date column to be a pandas datetime (rather than strings):

In [11]: pd.to_datetime(df['date'], format='%d%b%Y')
0   2009-06-20
1   2009-06-24
2   2009-07-15
3   2008-02-09
4   2008-02-21
5   2010-03-14
6   2010-05-02
7   2010-05-12
Name: date, dtype: datetime64[ns]

Note: see docs for possible format options.

In [12]: df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'], format='%d%b%Y')

In [13]: df
   patient       date  sequence
0      145 2009-06-20         1
1      145 2009-06-24         2
2      145 2009-07-15         3
3      582 2008-02-09         1
4      582 2008-02-21         2
5      987 2010-03-14         1
6      987 2010-05-02         2
7      987 2010-05-12         3

If this isn't in date order (for each patient), I would sort it first:

In [14]: df = df.sort('date')

Now you can groupby and cumcount:

In [15]: g = df.groupby('patient')

In [16]: g.cumcount() + 1
2    1
3    2
0    1
1    2
4    1
5    2
6    3
dtype: int64

Which is what you want (althout it's out of order):

In [17]: df['sequence'] = g.cumcount() + 1

In [18]: df
       patient       date  sequence
2      582 2008-02-09         1
3      582 2008-02-21         2
0      145 2009-06-24         1
1      145 2009-07-15         2
4      987 2010-03-14         1
5      987 2010-05-02         2
6      987 2010-05-12         3

To rearrange (though you may not need to) use sort_index (or we could reindex if we saved the initial DataFrame's index):*

In [19]: df.sort_index()
   patient       date  sequence
0      145 2009-06-24         1
1      145 2009-07-15         2
2      582 2008-02-09         1
3      582 2008-02-21         2
4      987 2010-03-14         1
5      987 2010-05-02         2
6      987 2010-05-12         3