Add text between date and time - PHP

yes you can.


Derived from your example which you provided a bit late

echo date('d-m-Y \a\t H:i:s') . ' hours';

be sure to use the exact syntax given! Using double quotes " instead of single ones ' will result in you getting a tab for \t, you'd than need to use \\a\\t for proper syntax as in the example below:

echo date("d-m-Y \\a\\t H:i:s") . ' hours';

This is due to how php quoting works and has nothing to do with date formatting, things in ' don't get escaped while those in " do, so if you use " be sure to use double backslashes \\.

If it's a datetime object

echo $datetime->format('d-m-Y \a\t H:i:s') . ' hours';

if you already have it as a string

echo str_replace(' ', ' at ', $datetime) . ' hours';


