Add text within tikz rectangle node

You just have to add a node at \x/2:

enter image description here


% \usepackage{xcolor}% TikZ already loads xcolor

\definecolor{high}{rgb}{0.89, 0.26, 0.2}
\definecolor{med}{rgb}{1.0, 0.65, 0.0}
\definecolor{low}{rgb}{0.98, 0.93, 0.36}

\foreach  \l/\x/\c/\stuff[count=\y] in {%
  A/6/high/text for everyone!,
  B/4/med/more text,
  C/2/low/some text}
  \node [left] at (0,\y) {\l};
  \draw [fill=\c] (0,\y-.4) rectangle (\x,\y+.4);
  \node [anchor=center] at (\x/2,\y) {\stuff};

Tikz defines a rectangle by two vertices of one of its diagonals, just place the node midway.

By adding a node in the middle of the path that traces the rectangle, we find exactly its center:


\draw[densely dotted, red](0,0)--(4,2);
\draw[densely dotted,red](0,2)--(4,0);

Your code becomes:



    \definecolor{high}{rgb}{0.89, 0.26, 0.2}
    \definecolor{med}{rgb}{1.0, 0.65, 0.0}
    \definecolor{low}{rgb}{0.98, 0.93, 0.36}

    \foreach  \l/\x/\c[count=\y] in {A/6/high, B/4/med, C/2/low}
    {\node[left] at (0,\y) {\l};
    \draw[fill=\c] (0,\y-.4) rectangle (\x,\y+.4)node[midway]{\c};}

the result is:


Another way :



\definecolor{high}{rgb}{0.89, 0.26, 0.2}
\definecolor{med}{rgb}{1.0, 0.65, 0.0}
\definecolor{low}{rgb}{0.98, 0.93, 0.36}

    \foreach  \l/\x/\c[count=\y] in {A/6cm/high, B/4cm/med, C/2cm/low}
      \node[name=left-\l] at (0,\y) {\l};
      \node[fill=\c, minimum width=\x, right=(.2cm of left-\l)] at (0,\y) {\c};

enter image description here


Tikz Pgf