add unique constraint in room database to multiple column

For a single column Uniqueness

@Entity(indices = {@Index(value = {"first_name"},unique = true)})

For Multiple column Uniqueness

@Entity(indices = {@Index(value = {"first_name", "last_name"},unique = true)}) 

If you wonder to make a single column to be unique, only need to write

@Entity(indices = [Index(value = ["name"], unique = true)])

A plain UNIQUE constraint on a column, other than via an index, is not supported.

You can enforce this uniqueness property by setting the unique property of an @Index annotation to true. The following code sample (Java) prevents a table from having two rows that contain the same set of values for the firstName and lastName columns:

@Entity(indices = {@Index(value = {"first_name", "last_name"},
        unique = true)})
class User {
    public int id;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "first_name")
    public String firstName;

    @ColumnInfo(name = "last_name")
    public String lastName;

    Bitmap picture;

The Kotlin equivalent of the annotation is given below:

@Entity(indices = [Index(value = ["first_name", "last_name"], unique = true)])

In your code you can do the following changes to have UNIQUE constraints

@Entity(foreignKeys ={
        @ForeignKey(entity = Label.class, parentColumns = "_id", childColumns = "labelId", onDelete = CASCADE),
        @ForeignKey(entity = Task.class, parentColumns = "_id", childColumns = "taskId", onDelete = CASCADE)},
        indices = {@Index(value = {"labelId", "taskId"},
                unique = true)}
public class LabelOfTask extends Data{
    @ColumnInfo(name = "labelId")
    private Integer labelId;
    @ColumnInfo(name = "taskId")
    private Integer taskId;

Can't comment, so I'll just add it here. If manually migrating your Room DB to add an index using SQL statements, your index name to be able to match the annotation on the table must be of the format:

database.execSQL("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_tableName_columnName ON tableName (columnName)")

Not sure how long the index names can be, so not sure what it looks like with multi-column indexes.