Airflow: how to delete a DAG?

Not sure why Apache Airflow doesn't have an obvious and easy way to delete a DAG


DAG-s can be deleted in Airflow 1.10 but the process and sequence of actions must be right. There's an "egg and chicken problem" - if you delete DAG from frontend while the file is still there the DAG is reloaded (because the file is not deleted). If you delete the file first and refresh the page then DAG cannot be deleted from web gui any more. So the sequence of actions that let me delete a DAG from frontend was:

  1. delete the DAG file (in my case delete from pipeline repository and deploy to airflow servers, esp the scheduler)
  2. DO NOT refresh web GUI.
  3. In the web GUI in the DAGs view (normal frontpage) click on "Delete dag" -> enter image description here the red icon on the far right.
  4. It cleans up all the remains of this DAG from the database.

Edit 8/27/18 - Airflow 1.10 is now released on PyPI!

How to delete a DAG completely

We have this feature now in Airflow ≥ 1.10!

The PR #2199 (Jira: AIRFLOW-1002) adding DAG removal to Airflow has now been merged which allows fully deleting a DAG's entries from all of the related tables.

The core delete_dag(...) code is now part of the experimental API, and there are entrypoints available via the CLI and also via the REST API.


airflow delete_dag my_dag_id

REST API (running webserver locally):

curl -X "DELETE"

Warning regarding the REST API: Ensure that your Airflow cluster uses authentication in production.

Installing / upgrading to Airflow 1.10 (current)

To upgrade, run either:





pip install -U apache-airflow

Remember to check first for the full details!

This is my adapted code using PostgresHook with the default connection_id.

import sys
from airflow.hooks.postgres_hook import PostgresHook

dag_input = sys.argv[1]
hook=PostgresHook( postgres_conn_id= "airflow_db")

for t in ["xcom", "task_instance", "sla_miss", "log", "job", "dag_run", "dag" ]:
    sql="delete from {} where dag_id='{}'".format(t, dag_input), True)

