Align minipage on right side

I, in fact, would use a tabular environment for the title and the text; for the text, a p{<length>} column (and @{} to remove the extra space); inside the tabular, the title can be centered using \multicolumn:



\multicolumn{1}{@{}c@{}}{Some title} \\


enter image description here

If this structure will be used several times, an environment can be defined; in the following example, the newly defined myenv environment has one mandatory argument (the title) and an optional argument (the width used to typeset the text with a default value of 0.5\linewidth):


  \multicolumn{1}{@{}c@{}}{#2} \\ }


\begin{myenv}{Some title}

\begin{myenv}[.8\linewidth]{Some title}


enter image description here

If the title spans more than one line, one could load the array package in the preamble:


and then say

  \multicolumn{1}{@{}>{\centering}p{#1}@{}}{#2} \\ }

You can use 100% plain LaTeX with boxes and the minipage environment:

with showframe: output with showframe package

without showframe (see example): output without showframe



\noindent% prevent the box to be shifted a bit to the right
\makebox[\textwidth][r]{% create a box, with it's content aligned to the right
  \begin{minipage}{.5\textwidth}% create a content half width
    \section{Some title}