Tikz foreach inside matrix

You shouldn't expand the \\ that you add to your matrix content. If you use \gappto\mymatrixcontent{\\}% (instead of \expandafter\gappto\expandafter\mymatrixcontent\expandafter{\\}%), your example works:


  \tikzstyle{every node}=[minimum size=3mm]
  \foreach \i in {0,1,2,3,4} {%
    \expandafter\gappto\expandafter\mymatrixcontent\expandafter{\i \&}%

  \matrix[matrix of math nodes,%
      nodes = {pre},%
      left delimiter = (,%
      right delimiter = ),
      ampersand replacement=\&] {%

The nested version looks like:


  \foreach \j in {1,...,10}{
    \foreach \i in {1,2} {%
         \noexpand\gappto\noexpand\mymatrixcontent{ pre-\i-\j \&}}\x

\tikzset{every node/.style={minimum size=3mm},

  \matrix (a) [ampersand replacement=\&,matrix of math nodes, nodes={pre}]{


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