Align plots within tikz pictures one above the other
Just put both graphics in the same tikzpicture
environment and move the second one down with yshift=-4.5cm
grid=both, tick align=outside, tickpos=left]
\addplot [domain=(10^(\FloorW-2)):(1/\T),samples=2] {\GdbK}[red];
\addplot [domain=(1/\T):(10^(\CeilW+2)),samples=2] {\GdbK-(10*(ln(\T^2*x^2)))/ln(10)}[red];
grid=both, tick align=outside, tickpos=left,
ytick=\empty,extra y ticks={0,-45,-90} ]
\addplot [mark=none] coordinates
{(10^(\FloorW-2),0) (1/\T,0) (1/\T,-90) ((10^(\CeilW+2),-90)}[red];
off-topic since your problem is solved by @AndréC's answer. i would write his mwe on the following way:
\documentclass[varwidth, margin=3mm]{standalone}
%tick align=outside,
no marks}
\addplot [red,domain=(10^(\FloorW-2)):(1/\T),samples=2] {\GdbK};
\addplot [red,domain=(1/\T):(10^(\CeilW+2)),samples=2] {\GdbK-(10*(ln(\T^2*x^2)))/ln(10)};
\addplot [red] coordinates
{(10^(\FloorW-2),0) (1/\T,0) (1/\T,-90) (10^(\CeilW+2),-90)};
result is the same as at @AndréC's answer.