Aligning of equations within derivations

You could use ordinary equation and/or equation* environments for the first and last equation. Also, if every single line in an align environment gets a \notag statement to suppress an equation number, it's much better to use an align* environment and drop all those \notag statements.

enter image description here



F_{x_t}(h-h_3) + (F_{z_t} + mg\cos\phi - 2F_{z_1})a_2 - 2h(F_{x_1} + F_{x_2}) - 2F_{z_1}a_1 - F_{z_t}(a_2 + b_1) = 0
2F_{z_1}(a_1 + a_2) &= F_{x_t}(h - h_3) + (F_{z_t} + mg\cos\phi)a_2 -2h(F_{x_1} + F_{x_2}) - F_{z_t}(a_2 + b_1) \\
&= A_2\sin\phi(h - h_3) + mga_2\cos\phi - 2hA_1\sin\phi - b_1(A_3\sin\phi + B_3\cos\phi) \\
&= \sin\phi\big(A_2(h - h_3) -2hA_1 -b_1A_3 \big) + \cos\phi \big(mga_2 - b_1B_3 \big)
\therefore F_{z_1} = A_4\sin\phi + B_4\cos\phi

Addendum If you want to eliminate the extra whitespace between the groups of equations, you could proceed by using a split environment inside a gather environment (with \notag directives for all but the final expression):

enter image description here

F_{x_t}(h-h_3) + (F_{z_t} + mg\cos\phi - 2F_{z_1})a_2 - 2h(F_{x_1} + F_{x_2}) - 2F_{z_1}a_1 - F_{z_t}(a_2 + b_1) = 0\notag\\
2F_{z_1}(a_1 + a_2) &= F_{x_t}(h - h_3) + (F_{z_t} + mg\cos\phi)a_2 -2h(F_{x_1} + F_{x_2}) - F_{z_t}(a_2 + b_1) \notag\\
&= A_2\sin\phi(h - h_3) + mga_2\cos\phi - 2hA_1\sin\phi - b_1(A_3\sin\phi + B_3\cos\phi) \notag\\
&= \sin\phi\big(A_2(h - h_3) -2hA_1 -b_1A_3 \big) + \cos\phi \big(mga_2 - b_1B_3 \big) \end{split} \notag\\ 
\therefore F_{z_1} = A_4\sin\phi + B_4\cos\phi


enter image description here

Note you should always use \cos not cos and similar multi-letter identifiers The default math italic font is not designed for multi-letter words.


\usepackage[english]{babel} %francais, polish, spanish, ...


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                F_{x_t}(h-h_3) + (F_{z_t} + mg\cos\phi - 2F_{z_1})a_2 - 2h(F_{x_1} + F_{x_2}) - 2F_{z_1}a_1 - F_{z_t}(a_2 + b_1) = 0\\[\jot]
                2F_{z_1}(a_1 + a_2) &= F_{x_t}(h - h_3) + (F_{z_t} + mg\cos\phi)a_2 -2h(F_{x_1} + F_{x_2}) - F_{z_t}(a_2 + b_1)  \\
                &= A_2\sin\phi(h - h_3) + mga_2\cos\phi - 2hA_1\sin\phi - b_1(A_3\sin\phi + B_3\cos\phi)  \\
                &= \sin\phi\big(A_2(h - h_3) -2hA_1 -b_1A_3 \big) + \cos\phi \big(mga_2 - b_1B_3 \big)
                \therefore F_{z_1} = A_4\sin \phi + B_4\cos\phi 

i suggest wrapping the whole thing in a single gather, use aligned to group the middle three lines, and use \nonumber on the first line and just before the (explicit) line break after \end{aligned} so that only one number appears for the whole structure.

  F_{x_t}(h-h_3) + (F_{z_t} + mg\cos\phi - 2F_{z_1})a_2 - 2h(F_{x_1} + F_{x_2}) - 2F_{z_1}a_1 - F_{z_t}(a_2 + b_1) = 0 \nonumber \\
    2F_{z_1}(a_1 + a_2) &= F_{x_t}(h - h_3) + (F_{z_t} + mg\cos\phi)a_2 -2h(F_{x_1} + F_{x_2}) - F_{z_t}(a_2 + b_1) \\
       &= A_2\sin\phi(h - h_3) + mga_2\cos\phi - 2hA_1\sin\phi - b_1(A_3\sin\phi + B_3\cos\phi) \\
       &= \sin\phi\big(A_2(h - h_3) -2hA_1 -b_1A_3 \big) + \cos\phi \big(mga_2 - b_1B_3 \big)
  \end{aligned} \nonumber \\
  \therefore F_{z_1} = A_4\sin\phi + B_4\cos\phi

any "line" within the scope of gather will be centered; the aligned block will be treated as a single "line" for this purpose.

as Mico suggests in a comment, "sin" and "cos" are more appropriately set as operators with the commands \sin and \cos.