Tikz: Shading a path without any filling
I don't remember why the scaling was happening but please let me know the missing detail or fix it so I can delete this. ( Stolen from How to draw multiple lines inside the circle )
Something along these lines can be a very impractical but a possible way to do it. I can't think of anything clever how to automate it other than the obvious tedious way.
\begin{tikzfadingfrompicture}[name=custom fade]%
\path(-0.2cm,0.2cm) rectangle (1.2cm,-2cm); % Arrow line is an overlay!
\draw[very thick,transparent!20,->] (0cm,0cm) .. controls +(0cm,-1cm) and +(0cm,1cm) .. (1cm,-2cm);
\draw[style=help lines] (0,-2) grid[step=1cm] (2,0);
\draw[path fading=custom fade,
top color=blue!80,
bottom color=green!80,
] (0,0) rectangle (1cm,-2cm);
Here's a quick attempt to automate percusse's solution:
Here's the main file:
\draw[style=help lines] (0,-2) grid[step=1cm] (2,0);
fade path but don't fill={
very thick,
top color=blue!80,
bottom color=green!80,
] (0cm,0cm) .. controls +(0cm,-1cm) and +(0cm,1cm) .. (1cm,-2cm);
% Circles, each with a distinct fading
\foreach \i in {1,...,5}{
fade path but don't fill={
very thick,
top color=green!80,
bottom color=blue!80,
shading angle=45,
] (1+\i,-\i) circle (\i mm);
% Circles, with a global fading
fade path but don't fill={
very thick,
top color=blue!80,
bottom color=green!80,
] foreach \i in {1,...,5}{
(\i-1,-\i-3) circle (\i mm)
You will need to paste the following code into fade-no-fill.sty
, which uses the spath
library from the TeX.SX package. You will therefore need to download spath.dtx
, run it with pdflatex spath.dtx
and copy the resulting spath.sty
in the same folder.
\usetikzlibrary{intersections}% for "name path".
\usepackage{spath}% for "use path", from the TeX.SX package
% at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tex-sx/tex-sx/development/files
\usepgfmodule{oo}% for spath
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta}% needed so that bounding boxes correctly include arrows.
% Copied from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/26386/5699
use path for main/.code={%
\expandafter\pgfsyssoftpath@setcurrentpath\csname tikz@intersect@path@name@#1\endcsname
use path for actions/.code={%
\expandafter\def\expandafter\tikz@preactions\expandafter{\tikz@preactions\expandafter\let\expandafter\tikz@actions@path\csname tikz@intersect@path@name@#1\endcsname}%
use path/.style={%
use path for main=#1,
use path for actions=#1,
fade path but don't fill/.style 2 args={
preaction={save path=\tmppath,},
\coordinate (oldbb-ne) at (current bounding box.north east);
\coordinate (oldbb-sw) at (current bounding box.south west);
\pgfoonew \thepathsav=new spath(\tmppath)
\thepathsav.use path with tikz(draw,#1)
\coordinate (temp-fade-bb-ne) at (current bounding box.north east);
\coordinate (temp-fade-bb-sw) at (current bounding box.south west);
\coordinate (temp-fade-bb-center) at (current bounding box.center);
\useasboundingbox (oldbb-ne) rectangle (oldbb-sw);
coordinate \ctempfadebbcenter;
\ctempfadebbcenter = (temp-fade-bb-center);
\tikzset{tempstyle/.style/.expand once={#2}}
path fading=tempfade,
fit fading=false,
fading transform={
] (temp-fade-bb-ne) rectangle (temp-fade-bb-sw);
In Metapost, it is possible to get the "envelope" of a path using envelope
. One can then fill in the path with a linear shade.
path p, q;
p := origin{dir -90} .. {dir -90} (2, -2);
p := p scaled 1cm;
q := envelope pensquare scaled 3bp of p;
draw q;
q := q xshifted 2cm;
linear_shade(q, 0, blue, red);
which gives