Alignment in cases

Referencing my chat message from 2013-04-05, here is the definition of the cases environment that accepts one optional argument, the column specification of the left column. Thus writing \begin{cases}[r] the left column is set right-aligned.

This way you actually could even use siunitx’ table typsetting with the S column.


   -1 & \text{za podmínky } x>0\\
    0 & \text{za podmínky } x=0\\
    1 & \text{za podmínky } x>0

    -1 & \text{za podmínky } x>0\\
     0 & \text{za podmínky } x=0\\
     1 & \text{za podmínky } x>0

    -1 & \text{za podmínky } x>0\\
     0 & \text{za podmínky } x=0\\
     1 & \text{za podmínky } x>0


enter image description here

Simplest is probably to use \phantom{-}1

The cases environment of the amsmath package uses array with the column specification @{}l@{\quad}l@{}. Thus \multicolumn will work, e.g.:


The alignment can also be influenced by \hfil and \hfill, because array or tabular are using \hfil to align and justify their column types l, c, and r.

\hfill 0 % puts 0 to the right

The following example shows the different methods:



    \mbox{left/default}   &       \mbox{left/default} \\
    \multicolumn{1}{@{}l@{\quad}}{\mbox{left}} &
    \multicolumn{1}{@{}l@{}}     {\mbox{left}} \\
    \hfil  \mbox{center} & \hfil  \mbox{center} \\
    \multicolumn{1}{@{}c@{\quad}}{\mbox{center}} &
    \multicolumn{1}{@{}c@{}}     {\mbox{center}} \\
    \hfill \mbox{right}  & \hfill \mbox{right} \\
    \multicolumn{1}{@{}r@{\quad}}{\mbox{right}} &
    \multicolumn{1}{@{}r@{}}     {\mbox{right}} \\
    \multicolumn{1}{@{}p{10em}@{\quad}}{Column type p \dotfill\newline with two lines \hrulefill} &
    \multicolumn{1}{@{}p{10em}@{}}     {Column type p \dotfill\newline with two lines \hrulefill} \\


Applied to the case of the OP:




         -1 & \mbox{za podmínky } x>0\\
   \hfill 0 & \mbox{za podmínky } x=0\\
   \hfill 1 & \mbox{za podmínky } x>0
