Alternative for function overloading in Go?

The idiomatic answer to optional parameters in Go is wrapper functions:

func do(a, b, c int) {
    // ...

func doSimply(a, b) {
    do(a, b, 42)

Function overloading was intentionally left out, because it makes code hard(er) to read.

Neither function overloading nor optional arguments are directly supported. You could work around them building your own arguments struct. I mean like this (untested, may not work...) EDIT: now tested...

package main

    import "fmt"

    func main() {
        args:=NewMyArgs("a","b") // filename is by default "c"

        ret := Compresser(args)

    func Compresser(args *MyArgs) string {
        return args.dstFilePath + args.srcFilePath + args.fileName 

    // a struct with your arguments
    type MyArgs struct 
        dstFilePath, srcFilePath, fileName string 

   // a "constructor" func that gives default values to args 
    func NewMyArgs(dstFilePath string, srcFilePath string) *MyArgs {
        return &MyArgs{
              dstFilePath: dstFilePath, 
              fileName :"c"}

    func (a *MyArgs) SetFileName(value string){

There are some hints here using variadic arguments, for example:

sm1 := Sum(1, 2, 3, 4) // = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10
sm2 := Sum(1, 2) // = 1 + 2 = 3
sm3 := Sum(7, 1, -2, 0, 18) // = 7 + 1 + -2 + 0 + 18 = 24
sm4 := Sum() // = 0

func Sum(numbers int {    
    n := 0    
    for _,number := range numbers {
        n += number
    return n

Or ...interface{} for any types:

Ul("apple", 7.2, "BANANA", 5, "cHeRy")

func Ul(things ...interface{}) {
  for _,it := range things {
    fmt.Printf("    <li>%v</li>\n", it)


