Always resumed list does not always resume if invoked from within an environment

The resume option is always local, i.e. only within the current group. Using a list within some environment and trying to resume the list in another environment later on will fail in the sense that the information is lost.

The remedy is resume*, which must be specified locally, however and can't be given as option to the \setlist macro.


\setlist[MyList,1]{label={\arabic*.},resume}% ALWAYS resumed
\setlist[MyList,2]{label={\alph*)}}%           NOT resumed


        \item First Item
    Some text
    \begin{MyColoredList}[resume*]{orange}% <--- This should be number 2
    \item First Item
    Some text
    \begin{MyList}% <--- This should be number 3
        \item Second Item
    Some text
        \item Third Item
    Some text
        \item Fourth Item (this works!!)
            \item Inner Item
        \item Fifth Item (this works!!)
            \item Inner Item


A better way can be achieved with the series= key:


\setlist[MyList,1]{label={\arabic*.},resume=foo}% ALWAYS resumed
\setlist[MyList,2]{label={\alph*)}}%           NOT resumed


\item First Item
    Some text
    \begin{MyColoredList}{orange}% <--- This should be number 2
    \item First Item
    Some text
    \begin{MyList}%  <--- This should be number 3
        \item Second Item
    Some text
        \item Third Item
    Some text
        \item Fourth Item (this works!!)
            \item Inner Item
        \item Fifth Item (this works!!)
            \item Inner Item


enter image description here

You can do it the hard way:


}% ALWAYS resumed
\setlist[MyList,2]{label=\alph*)}%           NOT resumed


        \item First Item
    Some text
    \begin{MyColoredList}{orange}% <--- This should be number 2
        \item First Item
    Some text
    \begin{MyList}% <--- This should be number 3
        \item Second Item
    Some text
        \item Third Item
    Some text
        \item Fourth Item (this works!!)

enter image description here

You can try this


        after={\xdef\enit@resume@MyList{\noexpand\c@MyListi=\the\c@MyListi}},resume}% ALWAYS resumed
\setlist[MyList,2]{label={\alph*)}}%           NOT resumed



        \item First Item
    Some text
    \begin{MyColoredList}{orange}% <--- This should be number 2
        \item First Item
    Some text
    \begin{MyList}% <--- This should be number 3
        \item Second Item
    Some text
        \item Third Item
    Some text
        \item Fourth Item (this works!!)

enter image description here


