Get the "exact" page of a \ref command in .log or .aux files

This will write


in the .aux file for each \ref{<key>} command found in the document.

In the example case, you get


which can be read by your external script.




    \expandafter\NR@@setref\csname r@#1\endcsname





\section{First section}\label{firstsec}


  \caption{Some figure}\label{somefigure}


\section{Second section}\label{secondsec}


This labels (!) the usage of \ref with the label refusage:\therefusage and extracts the page where this occurs with \getpagerefnumber (contained in refcount package, but loaded by hyperref anyway!)

  • Remember to compile twice to get the cross-references correct!
  • Do not manipulate the refusage counter!




\renewcommand{\ref}[1]{{\refstepcounter{refusage}\label{refusage:\therefusage}\oldref{#1}\typeout{RefsPagesInLog --> {#1} \getpagerefnumber{refusage:\therefusage}}}}






\section{First section}\label{firstsec}


  \caption{Some figure}\label{somefigure}


\section{Second section}\label{secondsec}
