Amazon Redshift - COPY from CSV - single Double Quote in row - Invalid quote formatting for CSV Error

It's 2017 and I run into the same problem, happy to report there is now a way to get redshift to load csv files with the odd " in the data.

The trick is to use the ESCAPE keyword, and also to NOT use the CSV keyword. I don't know why, but having the CSV and ESCAPE keywords together in a copy command resulted in failure with the error message "CSV is not compatible with ESCAPE;" However with no change to the loaded data I was able to successfully load once I removed the CSV keyword from the COPY command.

You can also refer to this documentation for help:

Unfortunately, there is no way to fix this. You will need to pre-process the file before loading it into Amazon Redshift.

The closest options you have are CSV [ QUOTE [AS] 'quote_character' ] to wrap fields in an alternative quote character, and ESCAPE if the quote character is preceded by a slash. Alas, both require the file to be in a particular format before loading.


  • Redshift COPY Data Conversion Parameters
  • Redshift COPY Data Format Parameters