An even more flexible derivative macro?

From the description, it seems like what you want is auto-detection of non-numerical input. That means you do not need \derivative* but can leave the decision to the code. Robustness could be an issue: in the following I've assume we have a single token for each index (that can be solved). As you've coded in 'traditional' LaTeX, I've stuck as far as possible to the same approach:

  \ifnum`#1<`0 %
    \ifnum`#1>`9 %
              {\expandafter\the\expandafter\toks@ \expandafter + \the\@tempcnta}%
  \@temptokena\expandafter{\the\@temptokena \, d#1}%
    {\advance\@tempcnta#1 }%
      \toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@ + #1}%
  \protected@edef\@tempb{\@tempb + #1}%






The key idea is to set a flag to indicate that there are non-numerical index values, and use that flag to then determine how to construct the output.

(If there is interest, I think a LaTeX3 version of this will be somewhat more readable: we don't have an integer test there but the various expansion issues would be easier to solve.)

I think that LuaTeX is ideally suited for such tasks. Here is a proof of concept solution in ConTeXt (to translate to LuaLaTeX, you also need to port utilities.parsers.settings_to_array function; see util-prs.lua file in the ConTeXt tree for implementation details of this function)

  thirddata = thirddata or {}
  -- The pairs() iterator in lua does not guarantee the order in which 
  -- keys are accessed. So, instead of directly using settings_to_list
  -- I use a roundabout iterator.
  local settings_to_array = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array

  local format = string.format
  local split  = string.split

  function thirddata.partialD(settings)
      local list = settings_to_array(settings)

      local sum = 0
      local num = {}
      local den = {}

      for i = 1, #list do
         local s = split(list[i], "=")
         local key, value = s[1], s[2]

         local n = tonumber(value)

         if n ~= nil then
            sum = sum + n
            num[#num + 1] = value

         den[i] = format("\\partial %s^{%s}", key, value)

      num[#num + 1] = sum
      num = table.concat(num, "+")
      den = table.concat(den)

      num  = format("\\partial^{%s}", num)

      context.dfrac( num, den)




$\partialD[u=m, x=1, y=2, z=n]$

which gives

enter image description here

