Android gradle build: how to set global variables

The answer from Guy is excellent. I just want to add the practical code.


Put something like this in the Project build.gradle:

project.ext {
    minSdkVersion = 21
    targetSdkVersion = 23

And put something like this in the Module build.gradle to access it:

    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion.apiLevel project.minSdkVersion
        targetSdkVersion.apiLevel project.targetSdkVersion

To set a global variable

project.ext.set("variableName", value)

To access it from anywhere in the project:


For instance:

project.ext.set("newVersionName", versionString)

and then...

println project.newVersionName

For more information see:

EDIT: As commented by Dmitry, In new versions you can use the following shorthand:

project.ext.variableName = value