Android TalkBack and fragment stack

Are you using fragmentTransaction.add?

If so you sould use fragmentTransaction.replace!

Add function also did problems with clicking the below fragment views.

So please, use replace.


I figured out the solution. you can disable the accessibility of the first fragment before you do the fragment transaction.

rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.first_fragment, null, false);


and now you commit your fragment transaction. Second fragment won't leak the focus to first fragment.

Don't forget to enable the accessibility of first fragment in case you're coming back to the first fragment.

if(rootView != null) {

Your problem isn't "sending" focus to the correct place. Forcing focus around to different places is generally a bad idea, and inaccessible. Your problem is that you have elements on the screen that aren't visible, but are being focused by TalkBack. What you want to do is hide these elements from TalkBack. Actually, you probably want to remove them completely, but let's assume that they need to be on the screen. What you can do is hide them from the accessibility service:


This will hide those views from TalkBack. This is a better solution than forcing focus to a specific element, as this is generally an accessibility violation under WCag 2.0. Though if the elements on screen are not completely hidden by your "top" fragment, this is also a violation, and you should actually just leave things be.