Android : Understanding drawable folder

The folder names need to be :

  • /drawable-ldpi For low density screens
  • /drawable-mdpi For medium density screens
  • /drawable-hdpi For high resolution screens
  • /drawable-xhdpi For extra high resolution screens

/drawable should be reserved for assets that you either (1) don't care about which device or for (2) xml drawable assets

Then on top of that you can provide different resources based on configuration by using config qualifiers, you can read all about it here

for instance, you can have high resolution assets for landscape with a folder

  • /drawable-land-hdpi

Hope that helps

By default Android maintain three folders for the images with different resolution reason behind it is the use or the resolution of the Android Device on which the application gonna execute.

hdpi image folder maintain images for the Android Broad Screen set or Android Phones with the Higher resolution.

ldpi for Lower images quality which supports by the earlier sets of the android

mdpi for medium images support xhdi images folder for devices with maximum resolution.

Android OS select the image it self by checking the compatible device and its resolution.

Hope it helps. Accept if you get your explanation.









We can also use "drawable-xxhdpi"
xxhdpi (480dpi, Android 4.1 or later)

Refer "Android Tabular Column" in the following link

Please refer "Table 1" in the following link (xxxhdpi)

Note: the drawable-xxxhdpi qualifier is necessary only to provide a launcher icon that can appear larger than usual on an xxhdpi device. You do not need to provide xxxhdpi assets for all your app's images.

Note will be in the following link