Android View Disappearing When Go Outside Of Parent

Two attributes exist that may cause this to happen: clipChildren and clipToPadding. You'll need to set clipChildren to false for each parent ViewGroup whose bounds the object will animate out of. You also need to set clipToPadding to the immediate parent (and maybe more, but I haven't seen a case for it yet).

You can set both attributes in the XML


or in code


In my case clipChildren did nothing but clipToPadding="false" fixed the problem. Go figure.

My implementation. It can probably help somebody:

Java version:

public static void setAllParentsClip(View v, boolean enabled) {
    while (v.getParent() != null && v.getParent() instanceof ViewGroup) {
        ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) v.getParent();
        v = viewGroup;

call setAllParentsClip(yourView, false); to disable the clipping in all the parents.


Kotlin's version as an extension function:

fun View.setAllParentsClip(enabled: Boolean) {
    var parent = parent
    while (parent is ViewGroup) {
        parent.clipChildren = enabled
        parent.clipToPadding = enabled
        parent = parent.parent

Call: yourView.setAllParentsClip(false)

Find the ViewGroup that the ImageView belongs to and apply ViewGroup.setClipChildren(false). By default, the drawing of the children is limited to the bounds of the parent ViewGroup.