Angular 2 Component @Input not working

You have four things that I can note :

  • You are passing an input in the root component, which will not work.
  • As @alexpods mentioned, you are using CamelCase. You should not.
  • You are passing an expression instead of an string through [test]. That means that angular2 is looking for a variable named Blue32 instead of passing a raw string.
  • You are using the constructor. That will not work, it must be after the view has been initialized data-bound properties have been initialized (see docs for OnInit).

So with a few fixes it should work

Example updated to beta 1

import {Component, Input} from 'angular2/core';
import {bootstrap} from 'angular2/platform/browser';

  selector : 'childcmp',
  template: `Test Value : {{test}}`
class ChildCmp {
    @Input() test: string;
    ngOnInit() {
        console.log('This if the value for user-id: ' + this.test);

    selector: 'testcmp',
    template : `<childcmp [test]="'Blue32'"></childcmp>`
    directives : [ChildCmp]
export class TestCmp {}


See this plnkr as an example.


I see that people still reach this answer, so I've updated the plnkr to beta 1 and I corrected one point on the explanation : You can access inputs in ngAfterViewInit, but you can access them earlier in the lifecycle within ngOnInit.

It's that easy as surrounding the string with double quotes, like this:

<TestCmp [test]="'Blue32'"></TestCmp>