Angular 4, How to update [(ngModel)] with a delay of 1 seconds

Rxjs and Observables are the perfect candidate for this type of task! Here is an example of how it can be achieved:


<input type="text" [value]="item.task_name"(keyup)="term$.next($">


import ......

import {Subject} from 'rxjs/Subject';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/debounceTime';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/distinctUntilChanged';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/switchMap';

export class YourComponent {

  term$ = new Subject<string>();

  constructor() {
      .switchMap(term => /*do something*/);

subject is a type of object that acts both as an observable and observer - meaning you can both subscribe to it and emit values from it (with next())!

debounceTime waits for the provided time in ms until it allows for new changes

distinctUntilChanges will not allow the same input to pass through two times in a row

switchMap takes the latest observable from the chain so you don't get multiple results at once

Answer by Fredrik Lundin updated for Angular 6:


<input type="text" [value]="item.task_name" (keyup)="term$.next($">


import ......

import { Subject, EMPTY } from 'rxjs';
import { debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';

export class YourComponent implements OnDestroy {

  term$ = new Subject<string>();

  private searchSubscription: Subscription;

  constructor() {
    this.searchSubscription = this.term$.pipe(
      switchMap(term => {
        /*do something*/
        return EMPTY;

  ngOnDestroy() {
    //remember to unsubscribe on destroy

    if (this.searchSubscription) {
      this.searchSubscription = null;

Lots of solutions using setTimeout(), but this will cause the function to be called each time the model changes, a simple way to prevent this is to clear the timeout first


timeOutDuration = 1000;

update_fields(data) {
  this.timeOut = setTimeout(() => {
     //do something
  }, this.timeOutDuration);

this will only call the function once after the last update is made and the timeOutDuration has elapsed