Angular material stepper change icon color

I am able to change the color to red with the following style in the styles.css file at the root of the project rather than the stylesheet of the component

.mat-step-header .mat-step-icon-selected, .mat-step-header .mat-step-icon-state-done, 
.mat-step-header .mat-step-icon-state-edit {
    background-color: red !important;
    color: red !important;

to hide the numbers inside each step just use display none in the style of the class ng-star-inserted

.ng-star-inserted {display: none}

I have tried to use @mruanova's answer and i is great but i only want to make the step red when it is selected.

If you want to apply the red color only when the step is selected, use the below css on the parent style file:

    .mat-step-icon-selected {
    background-color: red !important;
    color: red !important;