angular2-cli include custom fonts

For the people arriving here by searching:

Install with npm:

npm install roboto-fontface --save

Add to styles in .angular-cli.json (apps[0].styles):

"styles": [

That's all!

Edit: since Angular 6 this file is called angular.json instead of angular-cli.json. Adding fonts still works the same way as before.

If using SCSS you can:

Install roboto-fontface

npm install roboto-fontface --save

Import on your styles.scss file

@import '~roboto-fontface/css/roboto/roboto-fontface.css';

body {
  font-family: Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

Have you tried using the googlefont url from

In your styles.css:

@import url('');

Then use the font-family in styles.css or wherever you need:

body, html {
  font-family: 'Roboto';

I'm using this in my project and it works nicely.