AngularJS: how do I show ellipses using limitTo filter only when a string exceeds the limit

Hope this helps :

{{ main.title | limitTo: 10 }}{{main.title.length > 10 ? '...' : ''}}

Well, if you want you can build a filter for this, but I would use ngIf directive, as below:

(function() {
  'use strict';

  angular.module('app', [])
    .controller('mainCtrl', function() {
      var vm = this;

      vm.text = 'Really longer than 10';
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="app">

  <script src=""></script>

<body ng-controller="mainCtrl as ctrl">
  Without limit: <span ng-bind="ctrl.text"></span>
  With limit: <span ng-bind="ctrl.text | limitTo:10"></span>
  <span ng-if="ctrl.text.length > 10">...</span>


Writing your own filter based on limitTo is the best way to do this.

angular.module('your-module-name').filter('dotsFilter', [
    function ($filter) {
         * Shorten the input and add dots if it's needed
         * @param {string} input 
         * @param {number} limit
        function dotsFilter(input, limit) {
            var newContent = $filter('limitTo')(input, limit);
            if(newContent.length < input.length) { newContent += '...'; }
            return newContent;

        return dotsFilter;

Use in view:

{{ model.longTextData | dotsFilter:10 }}