ansible print debug msg variable

Solution 1:

Try this:

- name: Print mosh version
  debug: "msg=Mosh Version: '{{ mosh_version.stdout }}'"

More info in

Edited: Something like this works perfect for me:

- name: Check Ansible version
  command: ansible --version
  register: ansibleVersion

- name: Print version
    msg: "Ansible Version: {{ ansibleVersion.stdout }}"

Solution 2:

Simplest answer

- debug: var=mosh_version.stdout

Solution 3:

I have displayed variable and message in the debug same task.

Ansible Task

- name: Report the /boot/initramfs file status for latest installed kernel
    msg: "{{ ansible_hostname }} =  {{INITRAMFS_LAST_KERNEL.stdout}}"


TASK [os-upgrade.linux : Report the /boot/initramfs file status for latest installed kernel] *******************************************
ok: [ANSIBLENODE] => {
    "msg": "ANSIBLENODE =  /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64.img"

Solution 4:

Just remove the colon

debug: msg="Mosh Version {{ mosh_version.stdout }}"

Solution 5:

Anytime I have problems with special characters in Ansible strings/cmds I do this:

  1. Wrap with single quotes
  2. Wrap with double curly brackets

So your standard colon becomes {{':'}}

And your task becomes:

- debug: msg="Ansible Version{{':'}} {{ ansibleVersion.stdout }}"

Again this works for most special characters, even strings. Consider the following:

docker ps --format '{{.Names}}'

In order to run this in Ansible, just apply the same logic, the following task executes as expected:

- name: Get the docker container names
  become: yes
  shell: "docker ps --format '{{'{{'}}.Names{{'}}'}}'"
  register: docker_containers