Any command to get active namenode for nameservice in hadoop?

To print out the namenodes use this command:

hdfs getconf -namenodes

To print out the secondary namenodes:

hdfs getconf -secondaryNameNodes

To print out the backup namenodes:

hdfs getconf -backupNodes

Note: These commands were tested using Hadoop 2.4.0.

Update 10-31-2014:

Here is a python script that will read the NameNodes involved in Hadoop HA from the config file and determine which of them is active by using the hdfs haadmin command. This script is not fully tested as I do not have HA configured. Only tested the parsing using a sample file based on the Hadoop HA Documentation. Feel free to use and modify as needed.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: UTF-8
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import subprocess as SP
if __name__ == "__main__":
    hdfsSiteConfigFile = "/etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml"

    tree = ET.parse(hdfsSiteConfigFile)
    root = tree.getroot()
    hasHadoopHAElement = False
    activeNameNode = None
    for property in root:
        if "dfs.ha.namenodes" in property.find("name").text:
            hasHadoopHAElement = True
            nameserviceId = property.find("name").text[len("dfs.ha.namenodes")+1:]
            nameNodes = property.find("value").text.split(",")
            for node in nameNodes:
                #get the namenode machine address then check if it is active node
                for n in root:
                    prefix = "dfs.namenode.rpc-address." + nameserviceId + "."
                    elementText = n.find("name").text
                    if prefix in elementText:
                        nodeAddress = n.find("value").text.split(":")[0]                

                        args = ["hdfs haadmin -getServiceState " + node]  
                        p = SP.Popen(args, shell=True, stdout=SP.PIPE, stderr=SP.PIPE)

                        for line in p.stdout.readlines():
                            if "active" in line.lower():
                                print "Active NameNode: " + node
                        for err in p.stderr.readlines():
                            print "Error executing Hadoop HA command: ",err
    if not hasHadoopHAElement:
        print "Hadoop High-Availability configuration not found!"

In a High Availability Hadoop cluster, there will be 2 namenodes - one active and one standby.

To find the active namenode, we can try executing the test hdfs command on each of the namenodes and find the active name node corresponding to the successful run.

Below command executes successfully if the name node is active and fails if it is a standby node.

hadoop fs -test -e hdfs://<Name node>/

Unix script

if hadoop fs -test -e hdfs://<NameNode-1>/ ; then
elif hadoop fs -test -e hdfs://<NameNode-2>/ ; then

echo "Active Dev Name node : $active_node"

Found this:

This works out of the box on my CDH5 namenodes, although I'm not sure other hadoop distributions will have http://namenode:50070/jmx available - if not, I think it can be added by deploying Jolokia.


curl ',name=NameNodeStatus'
  "beans" : [ {
    "name" : "Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=NameNodeStatus",
    "modelerType" : "org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNode",
    "State" : "active",
    "NNRole" : "NameNode",
    "HostAndPort" : "",
    "SecurityEnabled" : true,
    "LastHATransitionTime" : 1436283324548
  } ]

So by firing off one http request to each namenode (this should be quick) we can figure out which one is the active one.

It's also worth noting that if you talk WebHDFS REST API to an inactive namenode you will get a 403 Forbidden and the following JSON:

{"RemoteException":{"exception":"StandbyException","javaClassName":"org.apache.hadoop.ipc.StandbyException","message":"Operation category READ is not supported in state standby"}}