APKs or App Bundles are available to 64-bit devices but they only have 32-bit native code

For future reference:

It's an issue with google play and x86 build that do not offers a 64bit counterpart code. Disabling x86 build fix this issue.

Reference: https://forum.unity.com/threads/successful-unity-aab-build-not-compliant-with-the-google-play-64-bit-requirement.729035/

The problem started on 08/20/2019.

Make sure Edit > Project Settings > Player > Configuration > Scripting Backend is set to IL2CPP and Target Architectures > ARM64 is ticked.

enter image description here

Add this

ndk.abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a','arm64-v8a','x86','x86_64'

in build.gradle(Mobile:app) file