Append to array in [String: Any] dictionary structure

If you prefer brevity over clarity, you can perform this operation in a single line, making use of the nil coalescing operator and the + operator for RangeReplaceableCollection (to which Array conforms), the latter used for the "append" step (in fact constructing a new collection which will the replace the existing one when replacing the value of data["items"]).

// example setup
var data: [String: Any] = [
    "key1": "example value 1",
    "key2": "example value 2",
    "items": []

// copy-mutate-replace the "items" array inline, adding a new dictionary
data["items"] = (data["items"] as? [[String: Any]] ?? []) + [["key": "new value"]]

/* ["key2": "example value 2", 
    "items": [["key": "new value"]], 
    "key1": "example value 1"]       */

// add another dictionary to the "items" array
data["items"] = (data["items"] as? [[String: Any]] ?? []) + [["key": "new value"]]

/* ["key2": "example value 2",
 "items": [["key": "new value"], ["key": "new value"]],
 "key1": "example value 1"]       */

The type of data[Items] isn't Array but actually Array<[String: Any]>.

You could probably squeeze this into fewer steps, but I prefer the clarity of multiple steps:

var data: [String: Any] = [
    "key1": "example value 1",
    "key2": "example value 2",
    "items": []

for index in 1...3 {

    let item: [String: Any] = [
        "key": "new value"

    // get existing items, or create new array if doesn't exist
    var existingItems = data["items"] as? [[String: Any]] ?? [[String: Any]]()

    // append the item

    // replace back into `data`
    data["items"] = existingItems