Append unique values to an array in swift

You can use a Set which guarantees unique values.

var selectedValues = Set<String>()
// ...
selectedValues.insert(newString) // will do nothing if value exists

Of course, the elements of a Set are not ordered.

If you want to keep the order, just continue with the Array but check before you insert.

if !selectedValues.contains("Bar") { selectedValues.append("Bar") }

I guess that your problem was resolved but I add my answer for next developers who's facing same problem :)

My solution is to write an extension of Array to add elements from an array with a distinct way:

here the code :

extension Array{
    public mutating func appendDistinct<S>(contentsOf newElements: S, where condition:@escaping (Element, Element) -> Bool) where S : Sequence, Element == S.Element {
      newElements.forEach { (item) in
        if !(self.contains(where: { (selfItem) -> Bool in
            return !condition(selfItem, item)
        })) {


var accounts: [Account]
let arrayToAppend: [Account]
accounts.appendDistinct(contentsOf: arrayToAppend, where: { (account1, account2) -> Bool in
        return account1.number != account2.number