Appending a line to a file in the cat command?

You can leverage cat's ability to read from stdin combined with it's ability to read multiple files to achieve this.

~$ cat file.txt
Hello from file.txt

~$ echo "My final line" | cat file.txt -
Hello from file.txt
My final line

You can also prepend a line, as such:

~$ echo "My final line" | cat - file.txt
My final line
Hello from file.txt

Note that you are not limited to a single line. cat will read from stdin until it reaches EOF. You can pass the output from curl, for example, to prepend or append to the output of cat.

~$ curl -s | cat file.txt -
Hello from file.txt
<html><head><title>Vous Etes Perdu ?</title></head><body><h1>Perdu sur l'Internet ?</h1><h2>Pas de panique, on va vous aider</h2><strong><pre>    * <----- vous &ecirc;tes ici</pre></strong></body></html>

For appending a line to a file, you can just use shell append redirection operator, >> (the file will be open(2)-ed with O_APPEND flag):

echo 'My final line' >>file.txt

Now, if you want just to view the content of the file with a final line appended, i would use cat with two arguments:

  • First, your file obviously, let's say file.txt
  • Second argument would be the string of your choice, and to pass the string as a filename (as cat only deals with files) you can leverage process substitution, <(), which would return a file descriptor (/proc/self/fd/<fd_number>).

Putting these together:

cat file.txt <(echo 'My final line')

If you want the output to be paged, assuming less is your favorite pager:

less file.txt <(echo 'My final line')

sed -e '$aMy final line' file.txt

From man sed the option -e

-e script, --expression=script
    add the script to the commands to be executed

$ matches the last line and a appends the string.

If you wanted to permanently append the line to the file, use -i

-i[SUFFIX], --in-place[=SUFFIX]
    edit files in place (makes backup if SUFFIX supplied)

Changing the command to

sed -i -e '$aMy final line' file.txt